
You made me curious enough to actually click the link, and now I want to refer “biggest take-away” to Shade Court. ;)

Ditto! I was like “aww, yeah she has... waitaminute.”

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.

The fact that he’s self-aware and in on the joke is a big part of it. Lookswise he is Chris Pine adjacent but in terms of personality he’s all about switching the script. This probably has something to do with his (real) background as a male stripper. He’s smart enough despite the tater comments—his success is proof

Most beauty bloggers/vloggers are pretty bad at doing makeup. Most of them just cake it on. They put layers and layers of concealer/foundation/whatever on their faces. It’s ridiculous. I watch that shit religiously.

So am I the only one who’s old enough to remember LonelyGirl15?

Love this. My dad and I trade calls to each other every night to talk about politics, he is so amped about the DNC and is happy that he can vote this election. He just got his U.S. citizenship a year ago and is super stoked to vote in his first Presidential election. He wanted so badly to vote in the primaries and I

typical ambush journalism by the vile lib media smdh

I’ll do my part to remedy this by posting one of my favorite images of Hillary. Hillary looks like one bad HBIC in this campaign poster.

Well a common sexist stereotype of woman in power is that they’re shrill.

because they are insinuating that her laugh is too loud, too aggressive, too much and she should be relegated to tiny giggles behind her hand like a good, docile woman would. I mean, can you believe her audacity to actually laugh her real laugh??

I’m surprised Rob has time for this kind of drama with his flourishing sock empire.

i ate some cherry poptarts. i’m feeling much better already.

Yeah but not literally. I may not have learned a TON from being 26, but I learned not to date libertarians so it wasn’t a total waste.

I was really hoping Bruce was going to come on, look right into the camera and say “that means you, Chris Christie. I hate you.”

I paid for my own admittance, so that entitles me to an opinion about the rudeness of immature people who can’t get off their phone. People on their phones are being rude and distracting to other attendees. If it is a live show they are also being blatantly disrespectful to the performers. If something is so important

It’s the site I embedded it from! I’m not a MONSTER!

And if they don’t you have to run and find them because they are up to something.

That, my pals, is the joke. What if the tabloids are wrong about everything?