
Just the shit-eating way Max says “O R they?” is beautiful. I half want to applaud him, half want to punch him.

How the actual fuck did you get to interview Luke Wilson about a bunch of roles and not talk about his guest spot on The X-Files? 



Seeing this made me think it was 2012 all over again.


HELL NO troy is not dead at the bottom of a trench somewhere, just a skeleton in spidey pajams

How long I have missed this sweet, sweet bong

The way his delivery of the Legoland line killed everyone was pretty great.


Donald Glover really was the comedic MVP of this show. He’s just astonishingly funny. He brings such a transcendent sweetness/dumbness to Troy.

Harmon has recently said the Netflix upload has sparked interest in a film and he’s got meetings about it. My bet is on a Netflix funded film.

The man made an ill-advised improvisatory comic choice a long time ago and has seemed to genuinely be contrite since. I think he’s earned a second chance. If there isn’t room for people to change and grow, then it really is just about what you get out of destroying people and feeling morally vindicated, not making the

I honestly don’t blame him for staying away for social media. He can’t make what he said un-happen. You lash out like that, you reveal something about your own heart. But on the other hand, I think a lot of people didn’t take his sincere contrition after what happened as seriously as it was offered.

I’m completely ready for Michael Richards to come back. It’s fine that he’s been in time out, but he didn’t do anything that meets my qualifications for permanent banishment.


He stupidly fucked up, but his apology seemed genuine. While this was never OK and his behavior should never be normalized, I think it’s OK to forgive him at this point. Nowadays, most assholes will either double-down, or issue a lazy nonpology. 

I hate to get all “Oh poor Lauren Lapkis,” because they probably had fun shooting this and I’m sure it paid well enough and helps with the visibility hustle that comedian/podcasters/improv artists have carved out for themselves, but this just reminds me of how criminally overlooked she is. She could definitely carry a

Lauren Lapkus deserves better than this! (at least I think she does... maybe I dont really know Lauren at all... maybe she has been hiding her inner Missy this whole time)

That Adam Sandler story is great. I’d heard a similar tale through the industry grapevine, that he gave one of his long time crew members, who was due to retire, a speaking role in one of his movies, so the guy would then qualify for residuals and get a monthly royalty check.