
It's a fun podcast with some great insights into the details of how it got made. 

You could start with songs instead of albums. Red Right Hand, Black Hair, Into My Arms, From Her to Eternity, Do You Love Me?, and The Ballad Of Robert Moore And Betty Coltrane are his most brilliant in my opinion. You can stream those easily online.


Yay Josh Modell! 

I side with your detractor here. I’ve known you to be a force for good on this website for a long time, so instead of calling you an asshole, I’ll say that your joke was an error in judgment.

I was definitely rooting for her to end up with Stewart. 

Hopefully you mean it's sad that one of the best living songwriters doesn't have more followers. 

God that man is delicious.

I’ve just had an epiphany from reading this: the reason this show doesn’t measure up to Parks and Recreation (or even Brooklyn 9-9) is that it has a twisty, series-wide overarching plot. The focus on plot and philosophy has led them to short-change characters like Tahani and Jason, who remain two-dimensional after

I'm pretty sure they won't kill the character, cause that would negate his hard earned survival at the end of the series. 

That was one of my favourite aspects of the show. 

I love the show, but if you didn't like the mounting amount of carnage and people making terrible choices, then you probably made the right decision. 

I’m truly sorry if I spoiled the short story for you, though I don’t know why someone would read comments on a thread that begins with a spoiler warning. 

Michael Cera, if only for the squirmy sound he makes when Zack says, "Go up the ladder a little bit?" 

I love dark stories, and I don’t generally require happy endings, but in this case, I really wished the siblings had made it out.


Why on Earth would I pay seven dollars a month to watch The Simpsons? I have the only seasons that matter (1-7) on dvd. Sometimes streaming isn't the best option. 

Growing up, I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark every time it showed up on tv. Eventually, I noticed my reaction to it was becoming weaker. I promptly stopped watching it to avoid killing it. I’ve kept an eye on myself since then, and I never allow myself to overwatch anything.


Pretty great stuff you missed by stopping at Gerald's Game: The Green Mile, Dolores Claiborne, Desperation, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and especially 11/22/63.