
You might enjoy Bound.

Interesting, cause my answer was almost the film version of A Simple Plan, which is the only Raimi movie I love unreservedly.

THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one who loved that remake.

I'm gonna get crucified for this (if anyone even reads this far down), but 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's not that I don't like Kubrick's other films, but this is the only one I think is "Great".

God, I hate that song. Platitudinous lyrics, whiny vocals, and pretentious-sounding music.

People are MUCH more likely to say, "What about Pee Wee's Big Adventure?" or "What about Beetlejuice?".

This struck me as being hobbled by a shallow script both times I saw it. Being so overwhelmingly in the minority makes me wonder if I should give it a third chanceā€¦

Many of the episodes are less than great, but most can be counted on for at least one great scene like that.

Well, if it's exactly like the horror moments of the show, that still makes it a pretty different beast from the show, because those moments were a small part of the show (a small part of the Lynch episodes, even). The movie's tone is much darker than the tv show was overall (key word).


You've already been told, but it can't be emphasized enough: the movie is meant to be watched AFTER the show.

His two weirdest movies at once, huh? The best approach is not to expect too much in the way of a narrative and to think of them as dreams instead of stories.

There's a clear pattern here where you don't like his weirder movies. I'd say stay away from Lost Highway and the Twin Peaks movie, but watch The Straight Story and The Elephant Man.

I just want it to show up in my iTunes in the first place.

I was more or less with you until "the uneven Zooropa".
That album is stellar from start to finish.

Using "Season of the Witch" for a show about witches is a little too on-the-nose for my taste.

See, 80% of the reasons I was invested here went to The Dissolve, so my investment followed suit, despite the shitty design.

The site design here is even worse since it changed (a year ago?), in my opinion.

Well I'm sure he doesn't like every single extreme horror film, but yes, he has defended the genre at times.

On Letterboxd, Mike D'Angelo gave it 1.5 stars. (He says his AV Club review is upcoming.)