
I love the emotional aspects when they work for me. I was about to list examples, and I realized most of them involve Abed! His relationship with Troy is a big one for me, so I REALLY hope Donald Glover returns if the show does.

The reason I picked those three episodes from season 4 is that they're the ones that felt most like they got the tone right, and the characters behaved as they should. One thing I enjoyed a lot about Herstory in particular was the Abed-Rachel pairing.

Re: Conspiracy Theories: Well, I can certainly relate to your irritation with shippy tones. Trying to pair off Jeff with either Britta or Annie is a lame tv cliché that should've been left behind after season one. It annoys me every single time it comes up. I must say I really don't see the Arrested Development

I didn't find it difficult because I've graded every episode as I went, and started keeping a list of favourite (and least-favourite*) episodes early on.

It wasn't great as a finale, but simply as an episode of television, I enjoyed this one a lot. I'll use your mention of your top 10 as an excuse to post my top 20:

Repilot B
Introduction to Teaching A-
Basic Intergluteal Numismatics B-
Cooperative Polygraphy A-
Geothermal Escapism B
Analysis of Cork-Based Networking B
Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality B
App Development and Condiments B
VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing B
Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons B+
G.I. Jeff A-

They'll just sign Johnathan Banks to rasp then.

Magnolia is not an Aimee Mann album. It features songs from Bachelor No.2 as well as a few off-album tracks and songs by other artists. All the songs on it are good, but it's not really an "album".

Definitely her best, and one of my all-time favourites by anyone.

Just saw this episode. Two things I'm wondering about:
1. We're not meant to believe Walt's "confession" is a huge threat to Hank, right? I mean, it would cause Hank problems, but it wouldn't work, ultimately, because as little evidence there is against Walt, there is NONE against Hank.
2. It doesn't make much sense to

There goes my illusion of solidarity with the masses!

It didn't get very good reviews, so it's not just you.

Ugh, I hate “Bittersweet Symphony” so much.

For once, I agree with the masses!
Todd's always talking about how well these characters are written, but Britta and Jeff agreeing to marry is ridiculous. This episode was disappointing after last week's return to form.

I'm just a few episodes into season 2, and I'm still waiting for it to get really good. Does that happen soon?

Kiss of Death was a financial failure, but a pretty awesome movie with a great Caruso performance (and also a great Nic Cage one).

It was all right. Kind of rote and predictable, actually. It would've been more interesting if they had shown more details of how they planned to accomplish the killings. Then we would've had the satisfaction of seeing a plan coming together (like in the train heist episode) instead of just a bunch of killings. The

It was all right. Kind of rote and predictable, actually. It would've been more interesting if they had shown more details of how they planned to accomplish the killings. Then we would've had the satisfaction of seeing a plan coming together (like in the train heist episode) instead of just a bunch of killings. The

Best episode since Cooperative Polygraphy.

Conversely, I thought this was one of the only episodes this season worth more than a B/B+ grade.