claudia storer

I've heard that this is Claire's story; I've heard it from Gabaldon and from book readers and show watchers alike and I just don't agree.

You sound like a resentful, misanthropic frat bro. There's nothing admirably mischievous in your antics. It's tiresome.

"since we won't need one until next season" The chill this statement strikes deep within my heart terrifies me.

I'm a giver.

The thing about Outlander is that you can watch a lot of Outlander, you can care about Outlander and you can still think Outlander is dimwitted.

Same. I never read them at work for just that reason.


Oh stop whining. You said, "you could be the world's foremost expert in acting for all I know…." which is the attitudinal antithesis of respectful. If you're going to be sarcastic or "wry" be clever or don't attempt it, otherwise you sound smug and childish. It's tiresome.

Does that sarcastic form of posting work well for you? Or do most people just find it tiresome?

Is that where TWOP refugees went? I used to read those recaps all the time 15 years ago. Best recaps ever.

She told me this story trillions of times - escaping the Nazis, starving on a boat, arriving in NY, applying to Harvard (she'd done 1 year of science at some European institute) and being accepted as one of the first women (there were about 5 apparently). Couldn't have been post-grad. She was only 18 or 19 so she

I think Moore picks female actors and depicts strong female characters poorly. That's the logic. Nothing more complicated than that.

You've invoked the Voldemort of all things that must not be said in the Non Bodice Ripper Universe aka Outlander. You know that now there'll be a flurry of crazed book lovers, teleported in from other fandom universes, wanting your death? Herself has deemed that this must not be a bodice ripper and you're

You're a hard marker. I concur with all that you say. I'd mark you as an A, rather than a B-, if you'd mentioned that Jamie had been sidelined to a secondary character in his own story and that Claire was portrayed as whiny and a buzzkill most of the season.

I don't believe these stories; I think they're hype. After an exhaustive search, I don't believe they couldn't find anyone as "perfect" as Balfe - I think that was GWTW hype. I just don't buy this one either. There are thousands of actresses in the UK waiting tables, hoping a break and the best they could find is

True. I often can't keep my book world and my show world straight.

That was more a slam against Balfe's acting skills, not Claire's disordered upbringing.



Yeah that was kind of a joke.