claudia storer

I don't have questions, only helpful suggestions for the show runner.


TLo might be back in the game by then.

Have we found a new home yet?

Hey, Complaining is on the ticket at Rio this year. We may not be Olympic standard, but we're definitely in the elite category.


She did medicine at Harvard on a scholarship. She came from Romania as a war refugee. I'm absolutely certain of it.

Ah. Thanks.

It wasn't that rushed and quicky-like in the book was it?

I thought a dangerous pregnancy was a contributing factor.


I miss Spike.

I love LJG. She was a bit snotty to him, with the threatening and all.

She said something snarky about her mother to Roger before the paternity thing kicked off. She needs the backs of her legs smacked.

"Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work its will." Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I'm sure she said history and Harvard. My sister's MIL went to Harvard after WW2.

It wasn't that clear. I probably only noticed the poster because I'd read the book. Same with the petition.

That's true of Heughan but he was good and got better, at least in season 1. I feel we're starting from a lower base here.

Wasn't there a Red Jamie/English wife traitor poster on the door into the tavern…the night before she was handed over to Sandringham? Before she saw Munro? They were already wanted.

Unintentional pun.