claudia storer

Roger, without pictures, sounds exactly like David Tennant's Dr Who.

Same, no social media. The crazy-arse behaviour makes me somewhere between scared and irritated.

Solid 6/10 pun.

I thought she said Harvard which was also a hotbed of revolution. Good point though.

Rant over/

The Internet has banned all notion of Outlander fanfic, just so you know.

The sex they have is tinged with the show runners stuffing it in at the last minute.

Geez, the world in which we live. I heard here about some of the fandom crazy surrounding the main actors and was frankly gobsmacked. I read a forum where the members insisted that Heughan was gay. Anyone who refuted this was treated to the most appalling behaviour I've ever seen, even on the Internet.

So cute.

And all the fawning and slobbering some fans do. How could actors possibly stay normal in the face of all that?

Nice mum, nice man. Well done Mum!

At the risk of offending the book lovers here, I second the rambling and pointless characters part.

SPOILERS****sure but the whole falsely accused thing, why was he there in the first place thing?

SPOILERS****…and when he trained that thing to do that thing….what was the point of all that?

I didn't see him as essential to the plot at all.

I'm back. Took less time than I thought.



Who's she calling "not crazy"?

He even has lovely hands - long intelligent fingers, long nail beds, symmetrical palms …………………………………………………………………I'll be in my bunk.