claudia storer


He doesn't have to be Mensa bright, but he has to be somewhere near three-tenths of a standard deviation of average.


Vastly over looked category of male hotness.

I never want to meet Sam in case he turns out to be thick. I'm sure he won't but I couldn't stand so much disappointment in one life.

mmmmmmmmmmm, knees.

No one <<<sigh>>>

She said she hated her mother. What a thing to say to your darling mama. Ghastly girl.


Exactly. The master of under statement.

A whole season? You're a saint.

I think all of the above is a pretty safe bet.

mmmmmmmmmmm, collarbones.

I miss Sam's biceps so much.

Gone with the Wind.

Beautifully shot and costumed again.

Ha! "Daryl, your hair is attracting flies. For the good of the group, please cut your hair."

I found BookBrianna rude with a lack of basic manners her father would never tolerate. Maybe not screechy brat though.


It is a bit caricature-like but she was also awful in the book. So much so that I felt sorry for Jamie having his dreams of his lovely daughter crushed.