claudia storer

I wasn't expecting it when I sat down so I had to consciously get myself under control so I didn't act like a complete imbecile so I had an Adrian Monk moment there ma'self.

OOO, I think I just found a mistake <<<<gasp>>>> Roger pronounced Gillian with a J not G. Don't the Scots pronounce Gillian with a soft G?

I miss Daryl's biceps so much.

One of my close friends owns a production and locations company so she gets invited to all sorts of things. As a result, I I've met quite a few big names. I've even had coffee with Hugh Jackman and now routinely stalk him which is my right as the briefest of acquaintance.

Look away, look away, look away Dixie girl
Bad GWTW reference there.

I have a NR story. Please look away if you love Daryl. I went to an evening with NR in Sydney where he answered questions from the audience and later drinks with a special few. Boy, was that an eye opener. He came across as a terribly nice man, gracious to fans and very patient however…….not so, um, bright. He

..and that. Ick.

That was precisely why I stopped watching. Even Daryl's biceps couldn't keep me there.

Ha! That was fast.

Agreed. Dougal's tantrum being used to set up Gellis' husband's murder was so ham fisted.

Is it possible to be 20-ish in the 60s and be post-modern?

We're fitting in stuff instead of aspiring to competent story telling? That explains S2 then.

Cashmere Love.

She wouldn't take rollers? Rollers and a hair net and sleep in them (it being a little too early for hair dryers)? Doubt it. For that period, rollers were de rigueur.

Nicely put.

Ah thanks.

If 1968 Australia had them then surely Scotland………

I found the site but couldn't find the Outlander thread.

Who's saying that?

I love Murtagh the character and the actor. He does quietly loyal/quietly dangerous flawlessly.