claudia storer

Most excellent.

I can't get past Claire morphing into a shrew and Jamie losing his warrior skills, even on the eve of battle.

Darling Murtagh. I'm sure he'll be too loyal a minion to even say he told them so.

I did at Prestopans but not at Culloden. He wasn't even allowed to dispatch Dougal without ol' bossy boots lending a hand.

Yes, I agree. All that dark intoning about how Moore is part of some even darker anti-Gabaldon conspiracy is so ridiculous.

Brianna: Give her time? What? Actresses are supposed to be cast on their entire suitability for the part based on talent, experience and skill. Parts are not supposed to be acting school. What a notion!

I liked the back and forth; it hid the fact that Jamie had little to do AGAIN. And disguised that the action scenes (build up to Culloden) were a non-event.

We-e-ell, it's doomed in the Greek sense that the hero dives into the underworld (Culloden) to save his great love and yet fails (she leaves him to another form of Underworld - the future) but not doomed in the classical sense that the lovers must always falter because of flaws in their inherent natures.

Mo(o)re of my favourite Claire "S" words - scowling, scolding, sobbing, and now shrill, strident.

True. Do you think that S2 had the same quality as S1?

You're an optimistic soul and we love you for it.

Poor old Sam had so little to do in the final episode of his own story I'm not sure they'll bother to age him for S3 & 4. Probably just use a white outline with "Insert Sam Heughan here".

Yes, just knife the bloody Prince already and be done with it.

Yes, thank you, Kayla.

Another reason to HATE social media.

Claire's whole Burberry trench/Hermes scarf/Loake brogues combo is perfect. I have photos of my mum in exactly that outfit.

You're a kind and true heart with much generosity of spirit…'re also deluded and will end up badly. She's a shocker.

Not ridiculous at all. Moore falls into the category that many male Hollywood producers do. His female characters almost exclusively typify women who are not seen as intellectually or emotionally equipped as their male counterparts to lead.

True. She has no manners.
