claudia storer


I think that's a wonderful approach. Should be more of it.

It's probably not a place for free flowing debate. More fawning and praising…..of which I'm a big fan, of course.

I'm not sure that happened. I think her posts were pushed further down the thread by consecutive comments. Mine say "removed by moderator".

Mine were removed by the moderator. They weren't contentious; mainly about his knees and hands.

They removed all my comments except one.

Found it.

I can't find it……….I can't find it.

I think they're struggling for financial survival and are taking drastic short-term cuts to ensure long-term viability. Click bait may be all they can afford right now.

Bye bye, Punkie. See you on the far side. Thanks for all the great comments.

They certainly deserve it for both (except for the red dress which I personally loved but the justification for that dress was so obvious a ploy for her exhibition that I felt slightly used). The production values - no contest. Relentlessly stunning.

No actors?

It's not the same. It's end-of-days. The aridity of that existence is beyond reckoning.

Now, I don't spend a lot of time stalking Sam Heughan……. in fact any, regardless of what the Scottish Police say, but a whole year of no Sam is unthinkable.

I'm starting to develop a strong personal dislike of Moore.

BookClaire isn't whiny. I should have made that clear.

The time travel is valid but for me it's just a device to transport 20th century values and sensibilities to an earlier time which makes Claire a mere catalyst.

Yes, they're very good like that.

Gabaldon insists they ain't, god bless her.

Apologies for the long-winded post.