claudia storer

If I could up vote that whole post ten times, I would. I'm re-watching season 1 now (don't judge me. I'm getting over surgery and have not much to fill my time!) to see if I had imagined an outstanding Heughan performance. I hadn't.

Real life interfering with Outlander commenting. I live in a world I do not understand.

I wonder if most of the staff are young and are blind to us oldies….although at 42, if anyone calls me old I'm hurting them.

Shame really. If the books were in the hands of someone more skillful, the show could be "amazing" - please see Oxford English Dictionary of Over Used Hackneyed Expressions to Describe TV Shows. Season 1 he put on a flamboyant performance, in both adaptation (notwithstanding that idiotic travel-about-singing arc) and

I agree. And I am a fan of Sam Heughan's acting. I've said a number of times that in season 2 he hasn't been given enough to do and that Moore has diminished his role. I'm also of the view that the Frank/BJR could have been elevated without diluting Jamie's story.

Sam Heughan was in an episode of a doctor soap last night and he was not very good…at all. Quite Jamie Season 2 - same eyebrow acting, same one note exposition.

I liked the way neither Dougal nor Colum rise above their inherent characters to be heroic at the end. Dougal was selfish; Colum was scheming (or strategic).

Sneer off? Claire will win that hands down.

Yes, that all did happen but by the time Claire arrived all that back story had mostly died down and Jamie was hiding out at Leoch. Jamie rescuing Claire from BJR's imminent rape caused them to flee to France and the rest is, well, history!

Or the "endless violence" of WW1 documentaries. er, it was endlessly violent!

Most excellent.


Hmmm, now there's a thought. I have a list of people I'd like to do that to!

That's a good point. It could be argued that if Claire hadn't arrived Jamie might still be tending horses at Leoch and shmooching Leogharie (sp?) He certainly wouldn't be on BJR's current radar nor have had to flee to France.

…or a better show runner? Apologies to any Moore lovers out there.

It was all Claire's fault??????
Ha! I've been saying that all along!

I don't mind that the reviewer is negative (when analysing Moore's work there's much to criticise, unfortunately) but I do find this reviewer's conclusions to be either wrong or underwhelming. Better to focus on explanation rather than interpretation.

Another scene that I thought could have been done better. Claire tells Jamie about marrying Mary to BJR and Jamie expositions. Claire could have said, "Babe…something you're not going to like but hear me out….I've married Mary to BJR….stop yelling…..BJR croaks it in 72 hours…..fer cryin' out loud put your sword

I skim rather than read the reviews for just that reason.

Sam Heughan's acting was none too good this episode. Sorry Sam.