claudia storer

Moore must die. Only thing for it.

Aaaah, I remember it, just didn't make the connection it was that Alex. So he loves and cries over his brother, behaves tenderly towards him and can still lick his lips over hammering Jamie's hand. How does both live in the same brain?


That little sound deep in his throat, somewhere between a laugh (Ha! Chew toys) and a gasp (Oh god, I'm dead). Perfection.

What struck me was how matter-of-fact he was about striking Claire, as if it was just his job and her due. So different to the relish and passion he displayed when torturing Jamie.

Except for Faith. I think Balfe did a creditable job in that episode.

Same. The oozing malevolence as he trapped Claire into believing she was making an impression on him and the utterly bloodless way he disabused her of that fantasy - incredible acting.

He's on quite a few shows here - Night Manager, The Honourable Woman, Silent Witness, Secret State - and he's incredible in every performance.

Bring Back TLo.

It's a shame Moore expects us to believe that BJR is inexplicably evil.
As modern pschology would have it, something diabolical must have
happened to him for him to have turned out that way. It seems
incongruous that BJR would have true love for his brother - sadists tend
to be equally opportunistically sadistic -

I was a bit taken aback, also. I thought season 1 Jamie, as you say, embodied his role and in no way was out acted by Balfe. And in season 2 Heughan is given not much to do.

See? Because of you I don't know what the Turtle Scene is. It passed in a blur of skim-fest dodgy plots and patchy characterisations.

It's typical in historical romances to downplay the bigoted, racist, imperialistic or unequal side of heritage and instead to push the action, the beautiful scenery and, not surprisingly, the romance. Not surprising I guess as the history of history has much less box office so I suppose some writers look for

There'd be pirates arrrgh but as boats can be deadly for fiction and even more so for TV, he may just have them Henge into a new place! At this point, my cynical heart believes that anything might be possible.

As much as I love the Queen and think her one of the great leaders of the 20th century, the whole notion that someone is better by dint of accident of birth is very wrong.

I've saw some of your comments on another site and they were great! And Punkie's, too.

The fancrazy puts me off the work a bit. I think you said you're sometimes embarrassed to say you're an Outlander fan and I'm starting to see why.

There needs to be a bit more discipline in what the show takes from the source, as had been said many times before. Some of the choices are odd.

"Which posters are betraying me and turning against me"

"And which one's don't".