claudia storer

I'm sure he's keeping the same speadsheet as Diana Gabaldon. "Which Posters Defend My Work Most Vociferously"

She was around about a month ago when I very first started to read here. She wrote some good posts and then poofed after the usual offender(s) accused her of being a Moore plant.

It's definitely dying out. There are some that maintain that the only way to "get into" British society is to be born into it, but, when you consider that the son of John Edward Hollister Montagu, 11th Earl of Sandwich (an ancient title), Viscount Hinchingbrooke, married an untitled American yoga teacher, it could

I think most reasonable people see drawbacks in both bodies of work and can be objective about the merits of both. Have you read the comments in Tom and Lorenzo? Insightful and balanced mostly, really worth the read. A few crazies but not too bad.

Best comment yet: Outlander crazefans are the same as the crazefans for Honey Boo Boo.

"What sort of nonsensical bullshit is this? No one here has done a thing to deprive you of a thing."

Please see below.

"Outlander fans sound like nutters."

Are there? Well, I'd have to say, if some of the nonsense here is indicative, then I'm not surprised. It's as though Diana Gabaldon is a devoted sister or treasured friend and hovering in the background; we mustn't criticise Diana. Ludicrous.

I did. I thought "nutters" was going too far.

Now I can't figure out how to use it. Can someone assist?

If can't tolerate people having different views to you then the Internet is not for you. It's not the hallmark of a balanced person to go into paragraphs of rant just because someone disagrees with your opinions.

Mary's perfectly clipped consonants and Sahara flat vowels were so un-Dockery. She did such a great job. As did Maggie Smith but I shan't sport with your time by raving about her.

Shame really as deep inside the unhinged are some very good points.

Murder: I kept yelling at the telly "Just hang ém already". So tiresome.

I'm watching Menzies in Night Manager right now. Also excellent.

Come now you two. You can't leave just because people have strong views. Ranting, arguing and getting your feelings hurt is what the Internet is for, after all!

I fast forwarded the murder arcs (two characters I didn't care about) and the surly-for-no-reason footman but the rest I liked. I didn't have much sympathy for Edith after she pulled the Mr Pamook stunt. I thought she deserved all the unhappiness she got.

So sorry gio. I get so used to Internet talking to almost exclusively Americans that I just assume. Lovely country that is of yours…

Ooooo, I've just found the coolest thing on Disqus: Block User. If only I'd known about it 20 rants ago.