claudia storer

You're right. No one needs to see that.

You've made a very good point, there. The whole thrust of the story is that the heroine is an anachronism so yeah….good point.

Menzies is quite cute too. Not Sam cute, but still very cute. I wouldn't kick ol' Franky out bed, either.

Paragraph after paragraph of ranting. It's too crazy!

You have to let the Moore conspiracy theories go.

Traci M is back. About time.

Lack of Sam Skin: Right there, a crime against humanity.

How interesting. I didn't do any research but wondered if it landed in aristocratic circles through the dollar princesses. The aristocracy picked up a lot of American sayings from those girls. Consuelo Vanderbilt, who was very influential, especially. Jenny Jerome, too.

I loved Downton like the rest of the sad world and have to say that, historically, they were impeccable, right down to the girls putting their gloves across their laps and under their napkins at table. Her Majesty chastised one of her granddaughters for leaving her gloves on at table a few years back.

Same. I'm not that familiar with the Laird system but I am quite well versed in the aristocracy and some of the anachronisms of speech bug me a bit.

Look away, Punkie. There's nothing but heartache here.

…and a whole global movement. Moore is a tyrant. He must be stopped.

That's what I keep telling my husband but do you think he listens?

Ah yeah. Good one.

Ha! It's not that marriages become sexless after a time but that real life intrudes. You still have hot monkey sex but, after a few years, it isn't the raison d'être.

You mean before all that unpleasant guillotining?

An Outlander sans Jamie is no Outlander at all. As it stands, we're hardly getting any shirt-free action. There ought to be a law.

That's my point. How ridiculous that someone whose lineage was more aristocratic than Charles' was considered too non-royal to marry a prince. How ridicuous that lineage should matter at all. So yay Catherine.

No, more's the pity.

Honestly, all that drivel about her stories not being "romances" and how because there's time travel they couldn't possibly be a romance butbecauseromancessell500000thenshecalleditaromancebutreallytheyreobviouslynot…………….