claudia mastro

A-? insecure has become an inconsistent product. first season was not just better but plain different.

in terms of casting, her more perfect movie is probably lost in translation
also somehwere has some great casting choice
i didn't like leslie mann in bling ring,but
i tought gavin rossdalle was a kick ass idea.

yep he seems to be in a rehab kind of place.
who knows why doesn't josh hartnett play that part , maybe he was booked for something else. It' s not like he had such super juvenile look that he couldn't pass for a 35-39 year old.

one of the thing i love love love the most and also kinda don't understand about the virgin sucides is: when old tripp is played for that 2 second scenes by michael paré.

soundtrack is amazing . i think the very last scene with the broken room and all cats are grey from the cure it's the best scene of 2006, by far. the costumes are to die for,too

Which goes to : has Marie Antoinette the worst case of general miscast ever ? Not just dunst is terribly out of place , but so is schwatrtzmann , huston , argento and the kid from 50 shade . What a waste. I like that movie but the casting really doesn't do it at least for me .

In Italy there are some kids named after j.r. And suellen . Only that they're written in the Italian way so j.r. It's written geiar.

I saw the long cut in venice (the one with the shoes being a secret success) and it was THE WORST

They were 19 and the parents were watching tv

I am Italian

Why do Americans find roast funny it's such a MIstery to me . It probably has to do with growing up in a society where saying what u really mean it s just an optional

Is this a way to say to Sophia please get over Paris ?

The parents on riverdale look better than the children lol . Best props to skeet Ulrich too

How can ppl work with Luke perry without getting mega crush constantly

Those are sequels. A film series à la Andy hardy or thin man or fu Manchu are a different thing . We are talking of like 8 movies all with the same plot characters and settings ,almost like a lifetime movie or a sitcom.

I love being Italian . Seriously. But its so frustrating being the only person in the boot to know curb your enthusiasm. Sometime you just want to talk about "the survivor" or "Palestinian chicken" and you just can t cause no one knows this shit here. No one knows this guy.

I hate bono cause he is a pop star on the same level of *NSYNC but still acts and consider himself like a rock star. Simple as that . Same can be said of johnny depp, whose acting skills are the same of Kirk Cameron and the guy who plays Archie in riverdale yet carries himself on like Brando

And I read somewhere he can t find no job no more (or it was spike jonze ?)

Talk about a cheap translation of a title

FUck it I still like his movies .