claudia mastro

Film series based on a character would never be made today in general , dear av club.

Ken Marino was the teacher who banged joey on Dawson creek and even got her babysit his daughter 😹! Show some respect!

Italian heritage ?

I wonder if they'll read the wonderful wonderful essay from Nicole Ritchie about the fact that it was so unfair to scold her for her dui cause ehi at the end of the day if she drives drunk it s her business .

YEah it makes no sense that a white woman and a seemingly Pakistani would make an (huge) African American baby . No matter how ridicolous konner thinks it is.

THIS is a test right?

Compassionate??? Lol

But in the Italian version her nickname was "sottiletta" .

I'm Italian and NOPE

Ok but a stage has a dignity that fb will never ever have

Ok I got the gossipy part, good point . But still it s such a deep , life changing , moment , event , era . And words can t express it . And it s yours, more over. Plus it s not like the first time he does it. I see he does it for some sort of therapy but it strikes me more like he has no one else to say those…

Why would one share such personal feelings? And pain? I don t get it.

misery ?

It's pronounced uhm I can i write it … cla whoo dee ah

Lol for example the name Alice is completely spelled differently here and over there and it s like 2 different names but I'm like enamoured of the way claudia is said in Anglo Saxon countries . It s so exotic

My name is claudia too and I just love the way is pronounced in America . It s like a completely different name .

It's just I'm Italian and here it's not famous (just like Snl or Seinfeld)

I hope so it was very depressing .

This episode made me understand how difficult must relationship be for Americans in general and how lucky I'm in being in Italian . She is so lonely. basically everyone used everyone until something better happened. Not only the surfer has nothing to do with the kid but also his family . And how is she not suffering…

Who is the guy on the cover?