Claudia George

Take it away, Jean-Ralphio!

I am a very productive corporate recruiter. I hired around 500 people last year and have a pretty good idea what successful career paths and happy employees look like.

Arguing semantics here of course but how are we so sure its not people in the protest being hooligans instead of some conspiracy to keep women out of protests?

And I know me typing that turns you on — especially considering that I have a cold towel on my forehead, a heating pad on my groin, and I'm wearing men's cargo shorts paired with a XXL t-shirt with this cartoon printed on it

My situation is similar. When I started college, my mom was married to a shmuck of a man who made somewhere in the 6 digit range. I was claimed as a dependent with no income of my own, so it was assumed he was paying for my tuition while he wasn't at all. So I got refused all financial aid and had to take out loans.

99% of Egyptian women have experienced sexual violence/assault in their lives. But "...such vile behavior was not characteristic of the Egyptian people." There's a disconnect somewhere, and I think it's in this dudes fuckin' head.

That is disgusting and horrifying and absolutely not okay on any level, at all. Divorce that asshole immediately. Seriously.

I really hate to tell you this, but that is sexual assault. You are not wrong at all for feeling grossed out and violated. I would too, of course, because someone had a sexual interaction with me without my knowledge or permission. I would feel even more grossed out and horrible if the person who had done it was

Just like in Grutter and Gratz, the student herself did not seek to file the lawsuit. Anti-affirmative action groups within the state seek out students who have been rejected in order to "make their case" within the court system. I also find it laughable that Fisher was accepted to and graduated from LSU before

There are thousands of articles and books devoted to suicide in general and to suicide in men. One article about suicide in women doesn't mean no one cares about men who commit suicide. It's possible to be empathetic for both even while, for a moment, concentrating on one.

Read the article; this isn't about the plague of suicide as experienced by women (and it doesn't assume that men do or don't get awareness), this is about the media's representation of female suicide as beautiful, and society's tendency to view it as fascinating.

I like how you act like your MRA opinionis the same thing as a fact. Go back to whatever slime pit regurgitated you.

Society loathes women and wants to treat them badly. The trope of the doomed woman almost always involves a beautiful woman who just couldn't handle it in a man's world, thus proving that women aren't as good as men.

Yeah, or, "God won't give you anything you can't handle". Um except for people who kill themselves?

Knowing all the other names he's trolled under helps, too. Seatosky and shattered_myths, to name just two, and you should have no problem whatsoever finding dozens of outright trolling posts under those names. He's gotten a bit more subtle with each new name change, but the blatant misogyny never goes away.

If they say "the universe" can be a higher power, as RabbitCat said fine, I guess, but to me the words "higher power" are distinctly religious to me. It even suggests monotheism since it's just one power.

You mean an organization whose meetings US courts have actually decided counts as religious activity (which is why judges can't order you to join AA) seems like a religion? Funny, that.

Crap like this is why ever since I was a teenager around (16) I have dealt with guys placing their hands on my waist and back, grabbing my arse, hugging me from behind, lifting me up, sniffing my fucking hair, grabbing my tits, hauling me into their laps when I walk past them, grinding up on me when I dance with my

Didn't Kickstarter initially shut down Anita Sarkeesian's funding because of the trolling that generated? Insert something about double-standards and culturally sanctioned misogyny here.