Claudia George

The problem isn't that MRAs (and or this guy) talk about their own, personal experiences as men who have been hurt by women. The problem is that they try to politicize those experiences by relating them to broader social problems like violence towards women, violence towards gay men, violence towards children,

Yeah. A creep factor. Which I appreciate. I know that I wouldn't feel like I was really participating in a community (i.e. leaving the little bubble that is my own private sphere to be among a people) if I didn't occasionally, unexpectedly, feel that icy, slimy tingly feeling on the back of my neck that creepiness

Yeah. As I just replied to his little buddy, it took me all of four minutes to find MRA-y shit in his comment history:

I wasn't familiar with this commenter and it took me literally all of four minutes to find MRA-y shit in his comment history. It's not buried very deep. He's obviously NOT talking about gay male victims of domestic violence, or male victims of elderly violence or care-taker violence. He's obviously concerned with,

I don't really know what you're going on about. If you stick your fingers up a woman's vagina, without her knowledge, then you are a rapist. This is what many gynecologists did (especially before 2003 when, at least in the US, stricter guidelines were instated). No one in the medical community has ever denied that.

Jesus Christ. It's like he's trying to dig his own grave with words.

I hadn't heard about that. That's pretty F'ed up. But not surprising. A common criticism of world war II and holocaust movies is that Nazis are portrayed as beautiful. Even when they are, explicitly, the bad guys they are more physically attractive than the American or British troops. And the same actors who have

Also, giving a dog like a pit-bull a manicure and putting something frilly on them might help to make them not so scary to people. Its confusing to "scary" dogs that have always just been house-dogs that some people are wary of them.

Holy shit. Really? I never got that far in the series. That's crazy. C.S. Lewis's Christian fictional landscape was messed up on several levels.

To be fair. That's some solid information.

The near cannibalism was dark.

For real. Miamaya's comment is fucking disgusting. Even more so because of it's false feminist pretenses. Miamaya is upset Hollywood won't help her emulate men in their gross, rhetorical objectification of other people's bodies. (Rhetorical because Mamaya's calling Claflin "default attractive" is the equivalent of

His name is "DrunkExPatWriter." I think that tells us enough about how he feels about brown and yellow women.

Thank you thank you thank you for posting this link. This is what these people are really about: Turning underprivileged women into life-support systems for fetuses that are eventually going to be other, privileged women's babies. When these centers say "you have options" what they really mean is "you have one option"

That was literally what I said to myself. Even though it's racist as fuck. "Harem."

Thank you. The syphilis references are the weirdest part of all this. Syphilis obviously has some intense connotations for this woman. Specifically, death-punishment for sex-sin connotations. Of course it is totally absurd because nine year olds did used to get syphilis back in the day. In fact, a lot of the people

I hate VS's with a passion. Mostly because they have replaced real lingerie stores in many places outside of urban North America. I can think of nothing more degrading, as an adult woman, than going in for an annual lingerie fitting and being felt up by some twenty-year-old who doesn't know anything about lingerie,

"I'm so turned on right now."

I agree with your theory. But this is not a good example of that. Michelle Williams and Jen Lawrence look nothing alike. An actually good example of that is Emily Blunt and the ten other actresses who actually look exactly fucking like her. I can't even keep them all strait. But the Emily Blunt facial structure is