
So why aren't we all going to go back and paste them into random articles?

Kinja pass the guacamole?

I want to see that smug fucker die. I was so bummed that he might've bought it off-camera.

I'm just now finishing up the second season, so I thought about being a Spoiler Nazi. But then I realized that what you wrote is bizarre and inscrutable.

This is one of my favorite jokes. You tell it elegantly.

Deepfried Snickers and Oreos and probably anything else show up at even the smallest festivals in the Great Commonwealth. My kid who moved away found a place in Chicago that would deepfry anything (e.g., cell phones; Nikes). He had them deepfry a Whopper. It just fell apart in the oil. He was pretty sad about that.

I ate two Fun Size Snickers while watching.

In the photo, why are two people apparently dueling with forks over the food? Is it because the portion is so small?

Ha! As a Kentuckian, I know that my senators won't waver!

Any chance that was manufactured "down to earth"?


Ah! You've been reading Strunk and White!

Yes—some people also speak about "internal colonization."

That doesn't look like mockery to me. It is demonstrable that the kind of rhetoric we see here facilitated the exploitation of "primitive regions" and continues to do so.

And yet you got "Schumer" right, fanboy.

Squirrel Girl or fuck all y'all.

Wait. You mean he's quitting acting so he can play professional basketball?

On a pop quiz once, I asked students to name Kurt Vonnegut, Jr's father.

Are you the cow people? Or the lake people?

This shit cut down on the number of Loretta appearances on Justified.