
For the last dozen years I have operated under the assumption that the AV Club is a safe space for dorks.

Ditto on the Clash shade: What?

I watched the show long after it was a big deal, so I went in knowing that Barb was the megastar of the entire series. I was pretty taken aback to see that she pretty much defined "tertiary character."

He can spend the rest of his life looking for the real rapist.

Worked with last year's election.

No, not SeeSo. SeeSo CAN'T be in trouble!!

Are any Olympic sports still amateur?

Cat scratch zombie

That is way too much for a grill.

Again, a "stellar" record gets a B.

Way to go, Nuge. I just shit my pants in solidarity.

I thought you meant he needed to gargle! After all, you phrased it in the form of a question.

It'd be easier to give it to him than to the lady.


Listerine ought to do the trick.

Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.

At least they were smart enough not to have brain tumors.

Thanks for the spoilers. No way was I going to see it once I caught a glimpse of that little sweetums wearing a Wes Anderson hat (I love Wes Anderson), but I had spoiler fever.


Skunks are adorable if you can overlook the obvious.