
His favorite singer? Urethra Franklin.

After reading about golden showers, we're all in the mood for tacos.

Couple of bubbles off plumb.

I live in Appalachia (iow, Scotland West). We were colonized by do-gooder capitalists from New England. It has worked out very well for us!

What is one of many things people are saying in 2017, Alex?

Yesterday, was it Kamala Harris who pointed out that a robber with a gun pointed at your head says "I hope"—as in "I hope you're about to give me your wallet"—in a way somewhat different from you saying that you "hope" you can see Aunt Mimi the next time you're in town?

I knew a bossguy who would say to employees: "Bill, would you mind bringing seven sacks of 10-10-10 up to the counter?" and "Hank, can you do me a favor? Could you take this sack of mulch out to Mrs. Pettigrew's car?" What he couched in "polite terms" was intended as an absolute command.

Mitch McConnell couldn't carry Howard Baker's jockstrap.

The Bacon Maze—sponsored by Hormel® Black Label® bacon.

This Atlanta Brave, who started as a catcher before switching to outfield and first, won back-to-back MVP awards in the eighties but is still not in he Hall of Fame.

Not all bullies become cops. The ones with ACT scores of 14 or better go to college and become PE majors.

Well, jeez.

"Transgressive," then? Or "notafuckgiving"?
I find the puritan-level dogmatism of some punk enthusiasts offputting ("The Ramones aren't punk!") offputting and will cheerfully defend Sandanista! as one of the punkest of all albums.

Would Dude Who Made The Eleven Hour Punk Playlist include "Redbone"?
"Punk" = willfully troll-y?

Look everybody! It's Hannah Flippin' Arendt!

It's easy to find Ted Nugent. Just sniff out the coward who shit his pants.

I was scrolling down at the Daily Beast today when this story appeared on the front page. It was illustrated with a photo of Eric Trump. I shrieked.. That is one startling looking dude.

Me, too.

See, that's not the correct meter.