
She's sort of cute, so this gets turned into an Adorbs Rightwing Nutjob Freespeakin' Tour before you know it.

There's a dude who posts "limericks" at Slate. They rhyme correctly, but there's no meter whatsoever.


But in your state you spell it "Kettel on Pot."

Literally the last sentence in the linked video.

Mitch McConnell will surely insist that membership in the Paris Accord be the next president's decision.

There is a fundamentalist preacher hereabouts whose congregants sometimes take a fatalistic position. "It's God's will," they say. "Really?" he says. "It's God's will? Then how about you put on that nice dark suit you wore to church last Sunday and go sit out in the middle of Highway 11 at midnight, when the coal

He'll DECIMATE him!!

He's not evil. He
s a weakling.

I can't think of any others.

I've seen a grad school seminar derailed by one student's strident demand that we call Humbert Humbert an ephepophile instead of a pedophile.

Over their.

Or her topless scene in Shakespeare in Love.

There may be some solid scientific thinking going on here. Jamming wasps' nests up there would sure make my butt pucker.

I'm a man! Are my insurance premiums paying for this??!!

Is there a character called Noshampooman?

Counterpoint: Spanish guys giving us lovely insights into their culture and thoughts, damned Canadians won't stfu.

One time a kid in one of my courses plagiarized his Thomas Hardy research paper from a British site. Instead of taking him to the Honors Court, I just docked him two points for each misspelling.

hte and adn were my go-to typos for most of my life.

Funny—I have become a much better speller in the last ten years or so.