Uh, no. Not everyone can act. Don’t insult those of us who are trained and trying to make it in this business.
Uh, no. Not everyone can act. Don’t insult those of us who are trained and trying to make it in this business.
Alas, there are so many emotionally unfortunate ways people can be dismissive and judgemental.
It’s a *beast of a world* out there sometimes & scrambling takes moxie. Wish more people could remember that and be kind to each other.
Ok, this is the perfect place to settle this argument. Mr. Pie and I live in Maine where Uber is barely a thing. They have it in Portland but since we’re 40 minutes from there if we go at all we drive ourselves. However, the few times we’re on vacation in other places we’ve done Uber and enjoyed it. But have a…
Uber markets itself as simpler and cheaper than cabs because you don't need to tip. If they've changed their pricing scheme to the point where tipping is now necessary to make any money, they need to make that clear!
Remind me to introduce you to the concept of a joke sometime.
It's a Philly thing, you wouldn't understand.
some women just think they “know” ... when I was in college I came back from an out of state senior project trip... with my very first UTI. I worked retail in a very busy locally owned clothing store, as I was ringing up customers and (probably) doing the “potty dance” my boss came up to me and in a loud voice asked…
Just know that you have named my autobiography. “Catching Dick Left and Right: The LolaCat5 Story” will sell ALL the copies because of you.
I’ve been over at Free Republic this morning. One thing they’ve always done is be on the same page about their support. Pick the craziest goober running, and that’s who Free Republic supports. But Trump is burning that place down, too. I’ve NEVER seen that crew fight among themselves. It’s fucking glorious.
According to the linked article, there were only about six kids in the group. I cannot even FATHOM how she “suggested one was not” a virgin. Did she, like, point to one of them and go “this slut right here is CLEARLY catching dick left and right, but what about the rest of you?”
“In hindsight, a few of the thoughts I shared, while well-intended, may have come across as more motherly than what they would expect from their state representative,” she wrote. “If anything I said offended them or made them feel uncomfortable, I apologize.”
“Or considerably less, if it’s in any shade other than snow white.”
“the woman card, an all-powerful card worth 78.3% of a regular card”
Awesome turn of phrase.
(awful that it’s true. :()
There’s a Woman Card?!? Where do I get mine?! Because being a woman in engineering I could kinda use one...
In an interview this morning with Fox News, Donald Trump lamented that Hillary Clinton was a woman who is publically…
Holy hell, I got annoyed when U2 gave me a free album on iTunes, I would FLIP OUT if Republican politicians used my phone number to invite me to some event.
Hmm. How does one differentiate between “The devil led me astray and that’s why I shot her!” and “God told me to shoot her!”?
Cheesecake with red glop. I don’t care if it’s crappy cheesecake, I still want it.
Yes! Let’s grade all people by corporate standards, which as we all know are totally fair and not dysfunctional or anything.