
At this point, Tom is basically supposed to be the equivalent of Superman. He should be able to see everything, remember everything, communicate perfectly. So, it’s sacrilege for him to not see something that’s right under his nose. Then, when he asks for it and no one says anything because it’s sacrilege, it becomes

Given how important he is in scientology, next to Miscavige and Hubbard, he’s currently 3rd in the pecking order and that means he is literally infallible. He cannot do or say anything wrong, and if you even suggested that he might not know what cookie dough looks like, you’d be thrown into the super-fun named

The point is that he surrounds himself with people who are afraid to help him because he’s just as likely to fire them for making him look stupid.

Right. Remember his girlfriend was sent to whatever Scientology jail/hell is just for asking Miscavige to repeat a sentence she didn’t understand. You really think they’re going to tell him the “cookie stuff” has been right in front of him the whole time?

Yeah they’ve been friends forever. If I’m not mistaken Remini was in the car with Lopez when she got into a car accident a couple of years ago.

He’s the obligatory scilon “body”guard.

Jennifer’s parents are scientologists, but she has managed to walk the line between not being one herself and still getting invited to all of the parties. She must have some next level self-control.

That is exactly it. Because to tell him “It’s right there.” is saying that his communication was ineffective which is one of the biggest infractions there is with high ranking scientolgists. They may as well have pissed on a portrait of L. Ron Hubbard right in front of him.

He’s a big cheese within Scientology. Like the biggest cheese they have, outside of David Muscavige. I’m going to guess that they were not allowed to be too upfront with him.

As it should! I mean, that coupled with the fact that they don’t really learn anything (unless it’s Scientology-related) in their schools basically guarantees that they won’t become well-adjusted adults.

Yeah. Didn’t Katie Holmes make some weird statement once when Suri was a baby about how she was a “lovely person/lady” or something? It’s a baby weirdo.

If I’m remembering correctly, Scientologists just believe that children are mini adults, and should be treated as such?

Cruise is a known moron.

Didn’t they recruit him in his early 20s? If he went from high school to Hollywood to Scientology, he might not have had much opportunity or reason to develop an adult emotional life.

Well I wouldn’t expect it to be as horrifying as Going Clear. Remini is a celebrity from a wealthy family, right?

Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy

Yeah, I acknowledge his point, but it seems callous at best to say that’s the “saddest” thing about dozens of women being raped.

“My biggest concern is when it comes to images of people of color on television and film, no matter what, negative stereotypes of people of color, we’ve always had The Cosby Show to hold up against that, that’s the thing that saddens me the most...”