
People do have to decide how to spend their money

This farce should make it plain to everyone that healthcare is not a free market good. You can’t decide not to buy life saving medicine because it’s too expensive. You either buy it or die. It’s not different than someone holding a gun to your head and telling you to buy Nikes. We wouldn’t let sneaker companies get

My son has a peanut allergy and has to keep an epi-pen with him at all times. These are really expensive life preservers. The devices, most of the time, expire before they are ever needed, but you never want to be caught with out one. I am lucky and my insurance covers most of the cost, but that just means my HMO

It’s the American Way. Every medical product or service gets marked up around 10x when billed to a consumer, and only negotiated back to a reasonable price if an insurance company is involved. This farce makes it plain to everyone that you absolutely have to have insurance to survive, regardless of how much profit

Considering they’ve been raising their prices since 2008 and obamacare was signed in 2010 and wasn’t completed until 2015......

This is a perfect example of what is wrong with the medical industry in the U.S. This is one reason of many why Obamacare is problematic and why a single payer system along with heavy regulation is needed.

This is definitely his idea of a hilarious joke. The EpiPen is a free market capitalists’ wet dream.

ETA: Then again, this.

Battlefield Earth is the only movie I’ve ever actually thought about asking for my money back. Saw it opening night and the entire theater was packed and we all laughed/cringed and dry heaved at the awfulness of it all.

They should be showing Airplane!, Airplane! 2, Snakes on a Plane, Hot Shots...and maybe throw in some Twilight Zone, specifically “Nightmare at 20,000 feet” from 1963 with William Shatner or the 1983 version with John Lithgow.

Or play Airplane the Movie 24/7...

True story: as I went to board a Sunday night red-eye one time, I looked up at the TV by the gate to see the local ABC station playing its movie of the week, Cast Away. It was the plane crash scene.

You sick fuck!

Battlefield Earth is the holiday special.

Yes, its not that those are three of the most average movies ever, but also they have been shown to death.

Plus this one:

TSA would never allow it, considering the number of movies that bomb at the box office anymore.

I’ll see myself out.