Classy Jalopy

Yes, some modern torque-vectored AWD systems will selectively route power to different wheels in order to maximize your grip when turning and even to help you rotate, but very few will fully decouple the front end to leave those tires free for steering. AWD is, primarily, about putting power to the ground through more

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Winter tires are good, but AWD with snow tires is

If you find yourself on a slowly raising Belgian drawbridge, it’s best not to waffle.

Either transmission wouldn’t come out of park or drive, or the brakes lock up.  Otherwise driver is an idiot.

Maybe they didn’t want to lose their place in line...

Even if the vehicle was stalled out, the incline of the bridge would allow gravity to roll the vehicle back out onto solid ground without harm.

My 2003 German car requires 10x the window fiddling of my 2017 Ford. Both have auto up-down but if I want to crack a window 1/4", the Ford will take one easy click, and the German will take about 3 or 4 times of f’in around. This story is BS and this comment is utterly ridiculous - the world has already figured this

I think it’s more that a whole lot of commenters here just don’t see super-duper-porsche-precise window switches as something that provides any benefit beyond works-as-well-as-it-needs-to camry window switches.

Just tested this on my 25 year old Toyota. Does the same thing, but the button doesn’t clack in the same way. I guess that’s something.

I must be missing something. What exactly is different about this than a window switch without an auto down/auto up feature? My Hyundai Elantra doesn’t have automatic windows, so I just push “down” and then let go when the window is where I want it, and it stops moving. Is that... all this is...?

Except that India burns poor quality ‘brown’ coal to make the electrickery...

A fellow man of culture 🤣. My 2000 v70 and my 2012 c30 are both rigged up just like this. 

Great. Are they going to provide reliable charging infrastructure as well?

This is a situation where electrification actually makes sense - going from badly polluting engines to EVs has the potential to greatly improve air quality in those places.

Bread clips to shim the A/C compressor clutch on my 1998 Volvo S70. Got me another two years of cool air before I finally had to replace it.

Nothing wrong with that (this is good content), but it should probably go at the top of the post. The itty bitty “sponsored” in the upper left corner above the byline is easy to miss.

5-series and X5s are one of the best preowned deals around. Fears of reliability issues are over blown on average. 

Next time you don’t have to post a picture of every single one of them. I’ll take your word for it.

So much this. Everyone always marvels at “who is buying all these expensive trucks?” I’ll tell you who, the guy who owns the contracting company. Or I should say, his company owns it, and he wanted the nicest one they have. It’s expensed as a fleet vehicle.

Or you know, they literally just don’t have coal supplies due to the coal supply shortage worldwide and it’s crippling their own supply chains as well? Not everything is a communist conspiracy.