I am an old Toyota trucks fan, own a 22 year old LC and am all about taking them to crazy high miles! With that out of the way...
Literally one of the worst airlines in the whole world! Wasn’t one of their planes lost a window not too long ago?
I think Toyota needs to concentrate on actually producing cars! They are just not able to keep up with the demand they already have, what’s the point of keep introducing new stuff?
I know he said no BMW, but he literally described a bmw X5 45e! It is a PHEV that can do some miles on pure electric, is a comfortable whole day cruiser and can carry stuff for long trip and can have a 2 inch hitch for bikes
So it costs as much as a Lexus ES? But is sold as a Toyota? How many retirees would look at a Lexus ES and say, I wish I could spend this kinda money on an unknown Toyota?
It can still be in later iterations. Depends on how the other Toyota EV fares. This is already setup with twin electric motors driving wheels so they have the bones for an EV already.
I have heard of this Rally before! Curious how they charge the EVs everyday and how are some of the soft roaders (KIA, BMW, etc.) are doing? Is the rally more about navigation skills and speed driving or are there more trying off road sections too?
Get one with N52B30 engine and it will surprise you with it’s reliability. Mine has 172K miles and still runs smooth!
I really love e60 too but the lights you posted are aftermarket. They definitely look better than any of the stock ones!
Have you used them? Do they fit/work ok?
Shame it is still a Chevy! Hard pass!
You can, but the snorkel works pretty well facing forward. In fact it is designed to work like that
Yes, they are super quiet and comfy on the road and then turns into a mountain goat when you need it to!
These trucks cater to a niche market. I sold mine with 280k miles and a lot more rust (although a ton more modifications and maintenance) for $14k last month. With the shiny exterior and undercarriage, this is a nice price all day long. I know a lot of ppl not in the know would be turned off by the miles or the fuel…
Looks like it would be the twin of Highlander which is a good thing. I am most likely in their target demographic. Last year when I was looking for a comfortable SUV for a family of 5, we test drove both RX and GX.
What’s the longest warranty term available on these? Do buying one still requires an invasive background check?
My BMWs don’t even have dip stick :smh