
That last picture of Sanders and Bolton...I can’t.

Dude, I gurantee you’re a hypocrite on a million things you don’t reflect on. And it’s only EVER women who get this sort of BS pushback.

It’s implied in the condescending tone of “normalizing casual sex” coupled with isolating men as the ones who are going to “maximize their rate of said sex.”

It’s comes across as “well if we only normalized committed, monogamous sex, men wouldn’t act this way”, which kinda just places the responsibility on the women.

So it’s the women’s fault that these assholes are harassing them?

I find the whole “we can’t joke about what’s happening in the world with people getting offended!” line so disingenuous because there are countless comedians making a living joking about what happening in the world in a thoughtful way. What they really mean is “no one find ME and MY casual bigotry funny anymore, and

White Baby Boomer out of touch, lather, rinse, repeat.

Liam Neeson says there’s a “bit of a witch hunt”

Satanic Temple makes me happy. I love smart, clever people.

Gavin is the worst. Wannabe intellectual, who in reality is an irrational blow hard

I’ve been saying for a long time that there needs to be a reckoning for so called “liberal men” who are quite often sexist and misogynist and not called to account for it in any way.

Just impeach this motherfucker already.

Oh yeah, and has expressed admiration for:

So far the Trump Administration has defended:

nah dude. you’re being a pedant to bring a survivor down.

So, she was drinking. She had one drink made by a guy who then proceeded to manipulate her into passing out at his place and sexually assault her while she was still incapacitated to the point of being unable to move or talk, hours after she had stopped drinking.

So a woman is raped...files a criminal complaint...the DA refuses to prosecute...she campaigns against him in the next election to try and have her rapist brought to justice...and he sues her because he lost the election.

If you’re “particularly interested in mankind’s efforts to explore/harness gravitational waves”...then you probably should want more attention given to politics, since the anti-science conservatives currently in charge of the Government are much more of a hindrance to progress in that area of study than any budgetary

Meh. Both are great.

Gavin McInnes is literally a professional white supremacist these days.

The speed with which they shit themselves on twitter after this went public was amazing. Not sure if my favorite was Lyons lying about apologizing to Zoe Quinn and getting called on it immediately, or Auerbach acting like this was somehow unfair and improper by Buzzfeed.