
There is physical damage done to the mother by the pregnancy. Pregnancies come with risk of complications and death. Abortion can be considered self-defense. What about the right to life of the mother?

A courtroom should never have influence on the ability of anyone to procreate. You can see how that would be abused. We’ve seen it before. Nothing sensible about it. Use outreach programs, or give the woman a free IUD. The state should not be making decisions about who can or cannot procreate.

Awesome, let’s promote hostility between black and white feminists! Because we don’t have enough bullshit to deal with.

Not at all unusual. Victims of acquaintance rape go through all kinds of thoughts/behaviors as they try to reconcile their idea of the person they thought they knew with the new reality. I know from personal experience. It’s probably even typical.

I hope they take down some Harvard-affiliated assholes at pediatric hospitals in Boston next.

you do too! <3

Um, yeah. That’s pretty much what assault is. Legal definition: Assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm.

What does that have to do with his tax rate?

We know he’s hiding something because he won’t release his returns. No one hides good things. Hiding undermines trust. It’s not unreasonable to want to know what the bad thing he’s hiding is all about. He’s the leader of the country! We can’t trust him. He’s got zero credibility and this does not help him.

The tax rate is a percentage. You make more, you pay more. It doesn’t matter that he paid what looks to us like a lot of money. He paid 25% in taxes. That is also my very middle class tax bracket’s rate. Why is my rate the same as his? Trump isn’t going to die if he shells out the higher rate he’s supposed to use.

He’s making that money with the labor of people like you and I. So he’s hoarding the money that other people made for him. He doesn’t pay it back into the systems that support labor because, greed, and because that support would make it harder to exploit their desperation in order to make him even more money. My tax

Women have physical strength. Blue collar jobs don’t require exceptional strength that is unattainable to women. Being blind to that fact is the same bias that keeps women out of these jobs. If women manage to get hired despite this bias, they still can get driven out of their jobs by sexual harassment. Some men are

This is strikingly similar to the justifications I used to stay far too long in an abusive relationship. Not saying that’s your deal, but the parallels are there. It may be worth considering.

Unsurprising that your reply is literally telling a woman what to do. You really seem to like that. Thanks for highlighting my point. You can have healthy kids without abstaining for 9 months. Insisting women self-sacrifice at every opportunity to do so, regardless of utility, is asking them to be martyrs.

People who delight in this type of judgement make me never want to have children. Why are mothers never allowed to be selfish? The idea that mothers have to be completely selfless martyrs seems more unhealthy than a pregnant woman having a glass of wine on occasion.

This is just not true. The CDC says “There is no known safe amount of alcohol” to drink during pregnancy. That is quite different from saying any amount of booze can cause serious birth defects. In fact, numerous studies out of Europe show zero effect for 1-2 glasses of wine. Instead of giving women the information to