Classic Poe

I just couldn't deal with Ben's neverending whispering. Enunciate, motherfucker.

I came in to hate, but I really like her so good luck!

Me too. That and telling friends the old priest is totally into the young one.

Honestly, this was terrible. It felt like something that could be on the Disney Channel, if you replaced the cast with young actors. Tweens meet famous people through history.

I hope there's photographic evidence of that hug with "Axelrod arrested. Hugs US Attorney's wife" all over the newspapers.

Yeah, the thing with Marney is that it kinda feels to me that he sees this as fun at first. Like, he's realizing it's not, it's a gruesome business, but as you said, he has has something to fall back on. And going by how every man who's not William is so awful, I don't trust him to not throw it all on Charlotte's face

Yeah, definitely. But it's still worth watching for Vera Farmiga. She's the reason I gave the show a shot in the first place.

Remember five years ago when everyone laughed at the thought of this show being a thing? The show sure showed us.

I'm hoping Underground will make it, but two seasons seems to be all WGN gives its shows. RIP Manhattan.

Wild Wild West. Jesus Christ.

While checking his kid's tooth! This is not that kind of show, but for a second I thought he'd rip the loose tooth out of the kid's mouth to scare her.

I'm an absolute sucker for those kind of movies where two people meet and then spend a day or a very small short amount of time talking, getting to know each other and falling in love. So Before Sunrise, Weekend, Brief Encounter, Lost in Translation, etc. One of my favorites is Cairo Time, this tiny movie with

Bosch is a pretty solid cop drama. It's nothing new, but they use LA well and I like how Bosch is not an asshole. I went in expecting your usual raging asshole cop with a drinking problem and who treats suspects like garbage, but he's a cool dude most of the time.

I'm still surprised in a good way by how much of a dick Scott Speedman is in this. The show really tricks you into thinking he's going to be the "nice one."

People have been saying this literally since the first season. It's a trashy show and it's always been a trashy show with good production values that takes itself too seriously, but I think it's fun as hell.

This show was ridiculous, but I kinda wanted it to go full alternate history and have Queen Victoria get on with her PM because their chemistry was great.

I'm more interested in The Punisher than in all those other superhero shows.

I watched the pilot for Ransom and it was total garbage. There's not a single original thing about it.

Yeah, there was something really haunting about Rufus Sewell's face during that scene. He did not seem happy/proud.

Re: the son trying to help his parents. I guess it makes sense, but I saw it more as him trying to be a perfect Nazi like dad and willing to make sacrifices. Like, being a man and doing what a good Reich citizen should do. Someone in another forum said the show is being too nice in the way they portray the Nazis, but