Classic Poe

If they don’t call this The Royal Jewels tour they are messing up

Me agree that writers of Orville are huge Trek fans. But being able to produce Trek fan film on TV budget not pushing franchise forward. If me wanted to watch TNG again, me would just watch TNG again. Me glad Discovery actually telling new stories and not just giving us same stale cookie in new wrapper.

I hope that this means that Tobias Menzies can go on to be the true leading man we all know he can be.

Do you really think that men face as much harassment as women online? Honestly?

(most) People don’t want to see Ryan Reynolds.

Like it’s gone straight to DVD.

No, the Craig movies have gone the opposite of Star Trek: first good, second meh, third good, fourth crap. The fifth should be good!

“Thank you for making our site’s community vibrant, intelligent, and fun!”

The male characters on this show get so much fucking slack, whereas the only female character allowed to have flaws is Arya, and only because she’s strong in a masculine way.

Remember that kid from college who got really into jazz and would NOT shut up about it? He’s a famous Hollywood director now.

If they do this, I’m going to be pissed off. It turns Daenerys’s entire journey into a way to make a dude really sad. The show’s made huge strides in how it treats its female characters since its “sexposition” days, and doing something like forcing Jon to sacrifice Daenerys would take it right back to the worst and

Dumb as hell: Arya and Sansa going from being at each other’s throats last week to being in cahoots against Littlefinger this week with no explanation. It was dramatic, sure, and that’s what B&B were going for, but they could’ve included even the faintest of explanations during Sansa and Arya’s scene together

Reviews like this are why we can’t have nice things. Demand better from your entertainment than what Game of Thrones is providing.

Joe seems to be on a classic redemption arc this season. I guess it’ll come down to whether the writers believe people can truly change. I can see that going in either direction.

A woman “giving out” anal sex to a hero as a reward is sexist. It’s weird that I need to explain that.

I want to see “Kingsman”’s sexist jokes about anal sex in IMAX with smell-o-vision. Who’s with me?

Counterpoint — shooting the bad guy’s wife is awesome, it is the only time the movie fully leans into Neeson being a person with no fucks to give. Everyone else in the movie deserves quick death to the point of boredom and as Tom notes, there’s no one with the charisma to make you want them dead. Here, Neeson is