Classic Poe

Strand and Madison being co-leads is all I want from this show. Madison is still an idiot about 70% of the time, but I still feel like there's possibility there. Probably because I like Kim Dickens so much. So give me a scene where she lets Travis die and becomes stronger because of it.

What an ugly cast.

Yeah, I always saw a little self-hating pining from his part. So much that I used to think we would one day learn that they were together before Abby met Clarke's dad.

Norma broke my heart this episode. The way she kept smiling in secret like she can't believe this new relationship is real and good because what has ever gone right in her life and she knows this probably won't either. Vera Farmiga is a gift.

God, I hate Tom. Claire has never directly killed anyone so I feel like she should stab him with one of her stilettos next season.

I'm sure Melissa George is a lovely person in real life, but she has such a punchable, snotty face that I never buy her in good person roles. I feel like she's always a second away from "Uh, can I speaker to your manager?"

I just want to say that was a pretty hot makeout scene.

All Shonda shows start really fun so I was excited about this when I first heard of it. Then they released a trailer with a much younger dude playing the Peter Krause role about a year ago and it just looked horrible and serious in the worst way. Glad they retooled it.

Using that picture is just cruel, AV Club.

Chill, dude.

This is so great. There's this dinner party scene that will be forgotten by end of the year lists, but I'm sure it's one of the greatest scenes I'll see this year. And Toby Stephens killed it. The whole cast did (and Aidan Turner's abs) but he was my favorite.

Remember Sean Penn losing his shit at Chris Rock because he mildly nagged Jude Law about being in every movie of 2005? Hopefully he'll mention Penn and his cartel friends this Sunday, because really, how could he not?

The Reader. I haven't seen The Reader. Man, I still check YouTube sometimes and rewatch that. But my favorite Oscar moment is this one dude with a giant afro winning Best Short about five years ago. He gave this charming speech and then thanked his mom for providing crafting services to the cast.Just a cute moment

Have him play the insurance agent and let's genderbend the remake this time around.

I also have a soft spot for this. They're both rich reckless weirdos and I don't know, it just works for me. The romance, the heist, the lol billionaires of it all. It's fun.

No Rachel/Quinn? They're why I watch Unreal.

Rick/Michonne needs to happen like yesterday.

MULDER/SCULLY 4EVAH. I'm sorry, but I've riding this train since I was 12 and having them back brought back all of my feelings. Also, John/Aeryn from Farscape also made my teenage heart beat faster.

I thought this episode was terrible. Those council scenes were laughably bad. You have a full council who's ready to chop off Lexa's head, with power of their whole clans behind them, but who backs off because oops, Clarke didn't agree with them? And don't worry, Clarke, if everything goes to hell you can be sure that

I love everything about Four Weddings and a Funeral, except the actual romance. Goddamn, that romance is terrible. I like to think that there's a universe out there where Hugh Grant's character figured out that Kristin Scott-Thomas is much better than Andie Macdowell.