Classic Poe

Farrell and McAdams were so great together that it made me wish S2 had been just like S1, two detectives solving a case. No Vince Vaughn and definitely no whatshisname Tim Riggins.

Don't forget Billie Piper coming out of nowhere with the best monologue of the year.

My main problem with Outlander is that I find her husband much more interesting and attractive than Jamie. I would not stay in the past for any dude.

My only grip with Penny Dreadful is that the ending is always kind of a let down. Dracula, the witches, the show builds up such great momentum and then when it's time for a final confrontation it just fizzles out. It doesn't make me enjoy the show any less, but that could be better.

12 Monkeys didn't start great, but I kept at it because I give all sci-fi a chance, but somewhere around the middle it got really fun.

I felt like it wasn't hammy enough. For me it was just in that middle ground where it wasn't a serious drama, but it also didn't commit to being a crazy soapy drama about ballerinas. I thought it went downhill after the pilot and that homeless dude must be one of the worst characters of the year.

I think unREAL got kinda meh halfway through the season, but they pulled it together by the end. I'm fine with it being in 9th because 1) they made that ridiculous premise work and 2) Quinn and Rachel.

Pretty great list. My favorite show of the year is a British show: River. I watched it on Netflix and I was blown away. The plot isn't anything new, but it was one of the most heartbreaking depictions of grief I've ever seen, while still being weird as hell. It's the best Stellan Skarsgard has been in years.


I stopped watching this show a while back, but man, that is a fantastic title for this week's recap.


I loved this. Yes, it's ridiculous, but ridiculous is what I want from a ballet show. And those opening credits. That cover is fantastic, I've been listening to it for days.

If Jennifer Garner was acting opposite Spader in that show then the show would be a lot better. Not great, but better. It's not like she's some master thespian, but it was really easy to care about Sydney in Alias because I found her so endearing.

This reminds me, I've always wanted a show to do a genuine genre shift halfway through the season. Like how I wanted Rubicon to suddenly be about an alien conspiracy. This show could be about a slow going pandemic and then suddenly it's a show about a hospital at the end of the world.

I read that book. It was okay. It was more like horror novel because the insomniacs would go crazy from the lack of sleep and would start killing the few people who could still sleep.

They should just go ahead and turn Dredd into a show. A Netflix one.

They should have cast Karl Urban if they wanted a mean looking dude from down under.

I agree with the review, but I still think the show would have been more watchable if the lead FBI dude wasn't a total block of wood. I won't be surprised if they reveal he has a dead wife or kid because his face is always Sad and Brooding.

I watched the Blindspot pilot and it was really generic. Not bad for that sorta show, but just okay. The problem is that the main guy is like a block of wood. Just no charisma whatsoever. The pilot beats you over the head with the characters' connection and how they are drawn to each other and will probably bang by S3

We're getting the cheated on spouses' pov? Awesome.