Classic Poe

I don't get why people dislike her so far. How is she whiny? She hasn't seen the drug dealer come back to life; all she's seen is that one internet video, which is creepy, but I've seen some weird shit online too. No one actually told her "hey, your boyfriend is gonna turn into a murderous killing corpse that's gonna

I genuinely enjoyed last season and only half of it was because of Raza Jaffrey`s pretty face. But this trailer looks boring.

I agree with all of this. Plus, I liked how they didn't take some of the obvious turns I thought they would with the character stuff. Like how the son seemed to hate mom's boyfriend. I thought "Oh, good, a season of them learning to like each other. What a novel idea." but he got over himself pretty fast and started

My favorite Meryl story is that one interview she gave where someone asked her if there was a director she'd like to work with and she was all "I would like Martin Scorsese to be interested in a female character once in a while, but I don’t know if I’ll live that long."

I want to see her in an action movie. You know how Liam Neeson was mostly a serious drama guy and then he did Taken? I want that. Meryl Streep: jewel thief back for one last gig.

The Chicago Code was my jam. I rewatched it a while back on Netflix and I still think there was some great potential in there. The cast was great and the rapport between Jason Clarke and Jennifer Beals was a lot of fun and I really bought that those two had known each for years and had gone through some shit. And that

I liked the show last season and I liked the show this season. I really, really hope it'll be back next year. I was afraid that the move to California they kept teasing since S1 was always going to be just that, a dream that they had. So when everyone was in the plane I did a fist bump. Come on, AMC.

The Player
Life in Pieces

FKA Twigs.

I watched that movie on a whim on Netflix and it blew me away. Nothing terribly original, but so pretty and romantic.

What I'll never understand is why the Kings ever let it get that bad. If your lead actress can't work with another actress in the show to the point that it becomes this super distracting thing for everyone then you get rid of the other actress. Sorry, Archie, but it's not like they can give Margulies the boot and

That scene felt like something out of Orphan Black episode. It just looked off.

My favorite minor scene in this week's episode was Ted's reaction to Don walking out of the meeting. He seemed resigned, but also happy for Don. Like he knew that Mccann isn't the place for him and was glad Don realized that.

Don's reaction to Roger admitting he's banging Megan's mom killed me.

If it weren't for the weird yelling in last week's episode I would have thought Joan had finally met a good guy. He was in this episode. His girlfriend is sad and he immediately buys a plane ticket to see her. It was sweet.

Romero is like that guy who has always followed the never stick your dick in crazy rule, but who is now seriously reconsidering it.

I said "fidelio" to my tv when that guy asked. I really wanted Norma to ask Romero what the pw was. I bet it's something ridiculous and phallic like "tusk."

I didn't when he actually survived that. I was like "this show will never have the balls to kill anyone." I'm so glad I was wrong.

Same here. TGW went from being the show I most looked forward to watching to something I catch up when I have the time. I really enjoyed the beginning of the season, but as you said, it's been spinning in its wheels for a while now. I went from being intrigued by the SA race to completely annoyed by it. I just want
