Classic Poe

I haven't read the comics so I still held out some hope that maybe Ollie and Slade could part ways in peace, especially if Ollie got rid of ghost Shado. But while kidnapping your sister can be forgiven in tv land, killing your mom certainly can't. No hugging it out for these two :(

I'm already over that secret baby plot point. That's like my least favorite trope ever and this show does not need a child.

I think so too. It's not something I really root for, but give them more one on one scenes and I could see myself getting really into them. I'd love to see a Felicity/Diggle centered episode where they travel somewhere and have to take down someone by themselves.

They had crazy hot chemistry. I wanted a few more scenes with them. Dammit, show.

Seriously. It didn't cross my mind at all. I think I considered Sara/Felicity and Sara/Thea, apart from the obvious Sara/Laurel, but Moira just didn't ping for me at all.

I was going to say "now that Moira knows and Sara's leaving, I guess death watch is on her" but I really did not expect her to go so soon. I never knew I liked her so much until Slade showed up and I knew what was coming.

This show is losing me now that Rebekah is gone. She wasn't the whole show for me, but I just don't like any of those post-Bex storylines. I like Marcel, but I'm not into this take back the city business, the witch Klaus was banging gets on my nerves and Klaus and Elijah didn't even stay broken up for an episode. And

We all know he's around to be a Will replacement, but I'm so impressed with the way they're writing him. He's really handsome, seems like a great guy, Alicia and him already have the nice beginnings of a friendship going *and* he's sporting an arm sling because he took a shot trying to protect Will. I'd say it's

I love it. And then his "you woke up, didn't you?" to her later was great. I love when Alicia goes off like that.

My favorite little moment of the episode was Finn's reaction during that scene where Alicia rips the State's Attorney to shreds. He's only dealt with subdued, grieving Alicia so you could see him going holy crap. Everyone in the room was probably doing the same.

I read "Shane West" and went nope. He's as interesting as a box of hair.

True Detective and Breaking Bad are probably more deserving, but I'd be really happy if The Good Wife won. I'm just so impressed with the show. I can't think of a show that ever pulled such an amazing comeback.

Not really. TGW has a little over 14 hours of content with every episode being around 40 minutes long. The only one who comes close if House of Cards, which has thirteen 60 minutes episodes. IIRC Homeland, like most Showtime shows, usually follows the network mold with most episodes being ~40 minutes long.

It's not just me then. I now also have a fetish for thirtysomething brunette dudes in arm slings.

It was like a True Detective and Low Winter Sun love child. Low Detective.

I like them. I like how they never take over the show. Even when Will and Alicia were together we didn't really see much of them.

I know Will's body is barely cold and this is so not the time, but Finn is delicious and I hope Alicia gets her some of that. He has a wife, though, which I guess is the show's way of saying "we're not going there" or not yet, but hey, if they want to in the future them I'm all for it.

This show is like a bad boyfriend. I try telling people how nice it can be, but then it goes and bangs my best friend. Danny and Mindy couldn't be together for longer than an episode?

Yeah, it's a dumb romcom, but she is pretty charming in it. And their chemistry was solid. I wouldn't mind seeing them in another, better movie.