Classic Poe

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Wait, Sonya thinks Frank Underwood is more of a caricature than Cyrus? This website really doesn't like HOC.

I wanted to say that they should make a cop show about cults and then I remembered where my name comes from.

He's one of those actors I irrationally hate. Sorry, Donald. Oh wait, it's Donal. Ugh.

I'm so into Ollie and Sara that I feel like I should go make a tumblr or something. And the show is starting to fill me with the hope that her inevitable death won't happen because the possibility been looming over the show so much that it has to be a red herring.

You know, whenever Francis' death by ear happens and Mary goes back to Scotland (inevitably followed by Boring Bash) the show should just let her go and become the Catherine show. I like Mary fine, but I only truly enjoy the show when Catherine's around.

Tits on cable dramas. Granted, I'm a straight women so I know they're not really aiming those scenes at me, but I get so tired of Game of Thrones' tit game. They could use those scenes to actually do something, but no, time to watch Pod get surrounded by naked porn stars. Give Team Stannis more to do? Nope, just let

Another one: when a character won't stay dead or the show refuses to kill them off. It happens to genre shows a lot and it's so irritating because it means there are no stakes. I live in fear that Arrow will bring Tommy or The Count back since they already did it to Merlyn. Though I'm fine with him, in particular,

I enjoy a good will they or won't they for about two seasons because I think they can still be writing the characters falling for each other and so on, but I hate when shows take longer than this and you can tell they're just dragging things out and will do so for years. Or when the characters get together and the

When characters talk in code because we, the audience, can't learn what they're talking about it yet. "You know what they'll do to us if we do this, Carl." What will they do? Who are they? It'll only take another six episodes to find out. Fucking lazy writing.

Should have gone full gay.

Dammit, I'm too late.

What I wouldn't give for Slade's wrath to be a lover's scorned wrath.

Not gonna lie, every time Slade interacts with someone new I'm like "but will they bone?" The dude is just too hot to not be boning people. Maybe he and Felicity can hook up and they can both finally get laid.

Because I need to prepare myself :(

I find his epic love for Shado bullshit, but Oliver could have gone TELL HIM HOW YOU WERE POINTING THE GUN AT SARA or something. Not that I think it would help, but still. That's my only problem with this storyline. If Shado had been tapping Slade on the island I would buy his irrational you picked your girlfriend

Btw, Slade will totally make Oliver choose between Sara and Laurel/his family, huh? I love Sara, but I can't see her surviving the season.

That eyepatch and suit does things to me. I thought Island Slade was a good looking dude, but hot damn at present day Slade.

Thea and Moira, especially, were just too bedazzled by his handsomeness to see the crazy underneath.

If Ivo isn't Felicity's dad I'll eat a dirty crusty sock.