Classic Poe

I wanted to say that for a while there this show was the perfect procedural, but in retrospect it really wasn't. They had like five other regular and I never really gave a damn about any of them and there were only so many times where I could be into a medical mystery, but damn, Hugh Laurie was just so fun to watch. I

I get that the show wants to rewrite canon to make Klaus more sympathetic, but I don't buy it at all. Instead of making him less of a dick to present!Rebekah and Marcel, they pull this "Rebekah, I was tormenting you and your past lovers because I was protecting your heart." Come onnnn. For fuck's sake, we met Elijah

If they are badly written characters then they should complain. What's your point? You can still ignore all those comments and have fun with the show.

Possibly. Though I think Claire Underwood is shaping up nicely. But we do have some nice antiheroines. There's Stella from The Fall and, for all of The Killing's faults, I do like how Sarah is allowed to be crazy, awful and a terrible mom.

Damages had fantastic female characters. Patty was the exact sort of ruthless male protagonist we see all the time and she was amazing. It's the sole reason why I'm interested in that Netflix show Damage's creators are developing, even though the premise seems very blah.

Really? You don't think not being able to write a decent female character means that writer isn't really a good writer after all? For fuck's sake, it's not rocket science. You don't have to think like a woman to be able to write one. They're people who can be just as much of an asshole or crazy or heroic as a guy.

If a dude has to cave in to pressure to be able write a decent female character then he must be a really shitty writer. Writing women shouldn't be like pulling teeth. We are people too, you know.

Viola Davis and Chloe Sevigny.

Last time I saw Warren Beatty he seemed completely out of it, possibly senile.

Maybe it's just because I find Tom Cullen hot like fire, but I also prefer Gillingham. I know people think he's pushy for going for such a recent widow, but the way Cullen plays him just makes Tony really endearing to me. I see it more as guy who carries his heart in his sleeve and can't help spilling his guts all the

They went with the one "Portuguese" last name that I have never heard of. Not that it isn't possible for a Brazilian to have a foreign last name, but still. Pick Santos, Garcia, Almeida and so on. And "Deus caramba?" No one talks like that ever.

Reign is awful and I love it. Thank you, the CW.

I was interested in this until Edward Burns. The dude has such a punchable face and his work as a director is horrendous.

Screw books. I have a date with Kevin Spacey.

My favorite is "I Want You" by Elvis Costello. A little creepy, a little pathetic, heartbreaking and really hot.

I find Hatake and Ballaseros by far the most interesting characters in this so I'm really hoping Hatake will end up being a secret good guy who's not afraid of getting his hands dirty or some other cliche where he kills people, but that's okay. I read somewhere S2 will most likely be set back in the continent/off base

That's like Billy Campbell's M.O. He just won't ever speak up. I've been watching him since Once & Again in the 90s and he's always been a whispering bitch. I try to enjoy shows despite him being in it.

Her introduction is such a dud too. Doesn't she try to run Josh over with her car or climb on the sidewalk for no reason? I remember thinking it was such Look at This Character Isn't She Awesome tryhard moment. I'm glad Sorkin ditched her and made Donna a regular.

Don't forget Mandy in The West Wing. The rest of the cast had so much chemistry that she made things awkward whenever she showed up.

I guess I'm the only one here so far who actually likes them, but this is exciting. And while I'd never describe any of their songs as "bump and grind" type of songs they do have some creepily hot songs like "Black Water."