Classic Poe

Lady Jayne is gone so I'm gone too. Dracula and Mina have anti-chemistry and I'm just not really invested in anyone else to suffer through these two.

Yeah, I'm not sure if it airs anywhere in the US, but I've seen a couple of Australian shows on Netflix so they should hurry up and put up Rake. It's such a fun show and with the occasional Aussie actor everyone knows showing up as a guest star. Hugo Weaving shows up in the pilot, Toni Collette in the S2 premiere, Sam

I think my favorite scenes all involve Elijah. He's not even my favorite character, but that scene with the pennies was awesome. As was the one where he ripped off that guy's head. And the one where Elena stabs herself so she can protect her friends. I've always thought the two had way more chemistry than Elena ever

You know, if he was played by anyone else I would be a little worried about how fast Giliingham is moving things, but I am too distracted by his handsomeness to care. Hit that, Mary. Hit it hard.

Fanny :( But I think the scene that enraged me the most was the one where that guy comes to interrogate the little girl and he couldn't have fucked it up more. YOU ARE LEADING HER ON SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.

I knew exactly what I was getting into when I watched The Hunt and I still had to pause about three times from the sheer frustration I felt about what was happening. One of those rare movies that made me go nghgghgghfhhgfhgfh. It was awesome.

Yes, because clicking on the page of a review for something you haven't seen yet is totally the reviewer trying to trick you. Witchcraft!

I know it's TV and this happens all the time, but Dr. Julia looks like she's in her late 30s and Hatake looks in his late 40s so I'm gonna have a real hard time buying he's her dad if that's the case.

I have decided to NOT watch something because of Christian Slater. He annoys the crap out of me and his post-plastic surgery eyebrows are freaky. I'm passing on his new show.

Gillingham is so handsome I can barely look at him. What an upgrade.

I liked this way more than I thought I would, even though it still pretty bad. Basically the review echoed my thoughts exactly.

I've never seen a dude more beige than Billy Campbell. Just looking at him bores me.

I was ready for him to go and the scene didn't quite hit me like I thought it would, but Brody must be one of the most miserable characters ever shown on TV. I guess Richard Harrow also had a pretty bad life, but at least he didn't spend 8 years in a hole.

How much rape do you think this one will have? I'll pass.

Srsly? Damn, I don't remember that at all.That sucks.

Yep. Especially with Robin Wright right there, all fabulous and cut-throat. I thought the Underwoods' relationship was by far the most interesting thing about the show.

I liked this show more than most people, I think, but the ONE storyline I really hope they drop completely is the Claire Wants a Baby one. IIRC, she just went to the doctor to see what her options were so I hope it's never brought up again. I'm tired of every woman on tv who doesn't want kids suddenly deciding that

I never understood why that show got so much flack. It was one of the few network shows (especially for the time it aired) that I felt were truly ambitious. The worldbuilding was simple, but top notch.

This show was one of the reasons why they canceled The Borgias. Goddamn it, Showtime, you took that glorious incest relationship from me and now you won't even give me Matthew Good in a priest collar? Come on.

Was Bryan Fuller serving the people who vote for these things in Hannibal? Shut down again.