
If they're looking for a health cause to get behind, how about they change their "cause" to heart disease - for both men and women? Considering that their core audience spends game days sitting around in Lazy Boys, eating saaasages, cheese, potato chips, etc., it would certainly seem more genuine that the cloying

This guy was (at the time of the crime) a 49 year old man in a position of trust who had been warned 3 years before about being inappropriate with female students. He started a sexual relationship with a troubled 14 year old in his charge. I don't care if the tapes reveal she stripped naked in front of him. The age

Why does the judge still have his job? No one should be a judge if they think it's okay for a grown ass man to fuck a 14 year old just because she looks or acts older than she is. Adults should not pursue sexual relationships with children PERIOD. I don't care if a 14 year old begs to have sex with you. It is YOUR

Arguing that an underage victim was in control and shares responsibility for her own rape ought to be grounds for a dangerousness hearing when he is due to be released, just like arguing that molestation was done out of love for children and that a prepubescent victim behaved seductively can earn it for a pedophile.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that those 14 yr olds are black or Hispanic.

It might be too little, but it is never too late to punish scum like this.

"Fuck the women who are whores or crones or cheerfully accepting wives or lunatic stalkers or whatever other hollow stereotype passes through the minds of its writers."

This sort of hoax undermines the cause because it draws attention away from the actual threats against Emma Watson that predate the countdown website.

"I caught crabs"

America's Boyfriend Chris Pratt and 4th favorite Guardian Gets Objectified in the New SNL Promos

I'm late to the party but when did Chris Pratt become so bangable?

I saw his wedding ring and was devastated. But then I looked up his wife and IT'S ANNA FARIS! I am so delighted with this coupling.

While we're all drooling over Tom Hiddleston, which is perfectly natural behaviour, I just wanted to mention I re-watched Emma Watson's speech and cried all over again. #straightgirlcrushandnotsorry

I know; he blames feminismbfor the fact that frat bouncers let in drunk women, but bounce obviously drunk men? He says he will leave that question to the feminists. The answer is, your frat bros don't want to bang the drunk men. Kduh.

Same here. No regrets.

Women: ruining everything for men since the Garden of Eden.

I can proudly say that I went through college without once being at a frat party. I do not feel like I missed out on anything...

There is good advice; but it is presented in a way that makes it sound like women are the problem without acknowledging that it is really predatory frat-boys who are.

Drunk female guests are the only reason why people show up to frat parties. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of douchebags sitting around drinking shitty beer.