ha ha. what?
ha ha. what?
I would watch David Fincher's OK Killer or Plenty of Flesh or eHarmony Hunter or The Match.com Murders. I would watch a lot of David Fincher stuff, OK?
Seriously, do you mind if I share your entire post? The purity of thought makes my brain cry happy tears.
There's an MRA with a female handle in that post about the douchebag grabbing girls' asses, claiming that feminists don't want equality, they want dominance. Kinda puts that kind of claim in a certain perspective, doesn't it?
On the money! All that evopsych bullshit is so clearly nothing but social constructs, and it's amazing how solidly it's been spun into propaganda that people have actually swallowed for centuries. Old guys will do anything to convince naive chicks that they really don't want the young hottie over there (because…
I don't care who it is, I'd love them to give Sulu a romantic interest in the next movie. And yes, it's entirely because I love John Cho. Hell, I'm watching that terrible Selfie show because I can't resist watching a show with him as a romantic lead!
I don't like using slash as a verb. Sounds weird to me.
Jesus I never understood the Spock/Uhura thing. I don't know why that was added to the new movies. I like my Spock single and ambiguous. Yeah Takei is gay, true. But so is Zachary Quinto and he plays straight. I think in the world of fictional slash pairings it's okay to ship anybody x anybody regardless of canon…
Those peeps didn't get laid in high school. Straight up Rick Santorum. As a feminist who didn't get laid in high school, fuck these motherfuckers.
you phrased that... really well. I've had the basic thought process going on in my head (like the definition of homophobia: the fear that a man will treat you like you treat a woman) but... you phrased it so eloquently. May I steal part of that quote? If I say I didnt write it?
Now it's a party!!
THANK YOU. So many fucking people are missing that VERY important point. NO ONE, at least not publicly, labeled Shonda Rhimes as an angry black woman. How can you combat a stereotype that was never attributed to you in the first place? She made the mistake of projecting her feelings onto everyone else instead of…
Alright wait those 4chan guys are douches and scum but let's talk about Kahn/Uhura fanfics? Who the fuck ships that? Spock/Kirk til I die.
All too often do we hear from MRAs and the like that the project of feminism is over, the goals have been met and genders are now equal. Or worse, that feminism has some how 'gone too far', and that men are now at a loss. When someone makes a statement like this:
Not my Emma, you bitch(es)!
Most likely not. Chemical Castration interrupts Endocrine (hormone) processes involved with arousal, not Neural (brain and spinal cord related) impulses. This individual is suffering from a largely neurobiological issue , so neurological issues, not hormonal issues, need to be addressed.
I wanted to post this Friday but then changed my mind. I feel compelled now.
I suggest you closely read the critiques of that article.
I cannot understand why they are fixated on the fact that it's "positive." Stanley is a TV critic - does she dole out positive or negative reviews based on race? Probably not. Reviewing How to Get Away With Murder positively is completely unrelated to racism. She could have just said, "That n***** really knows how to…
You didn't post the photo of Evan Peters in his undershirt! It's like you don't love me.