
It's very convenient. Almost as if men make shit up so they can be free to have all the power outside the home yet still avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes (because men can't help themselves) and avoid doing stuff they dislike (because men are selectively helpless) They're adults when it comes to having

I think people from that generation just lived with women being a man's backbone/unsung hero which is why it seems like elderly women do better than elderly men in the aftermath of losing a partner. If a woman loses her husband, she has this second life where she has bridge club or she's living like the friggin Golden

Definitely. It reminds of girls going through 'Cool Girl' phase who put down anything stereotypically feminine and proves her worth as an 'honorary dude' by bragging about the video games she plays or yelling the loudest during sports and making speeches about how she's not like THOSE girls. It's not to put down women

Men half-ass cleaning and cooking so they won't be asked to do it again. Men admit to doing this trick all the time in order to be released from household duties. Obviously, not all men. But too many men.

It's a burden men put on women because they've been conditioned to believe housework is 'women's work' even if she's working a full-time job. Everyone appreciates a clean house regardless of gender. But because of gender role expectations, men will definitely gossip/judge a woman if the house is dirty just like people

Wow. I thought my dad was great but your dad deserves sainthood. He's a great example of showing love through action. I don't even know him but I love this guy. I wish we celebrated more stories like the one you shared rather than hearing about yet another narcissistic male public figure being an asshole to his wife.

The guy who taught me how to fold clothes was pretty obnoxious about it too. As if my lack of folding skills made me a peasant while his folding skills made him a king. That's why he was an acquaintance, not a friend. I just rolled my eyes and let him teach me how to fold, whatever. He took himself WAY too seriously.

Examples like this just remind me what to avoid. I think low self-esteem causes a lot of women to put up with unfair shit while entitlement causes men to demand unfair shit at the woman's expense. It's so easy to set up this dynamic because guys get the message they're superior and deserve everything while women get

It's easy to not care when your gender isn't the one expected to take on the extra burden of household duties.

I agree. We need to stop conditioning girls to believe that they can shape or mold a man to be what they want. It's insulting to both genders. The worst part is not all these fucktards are as obvious as Archie Bunker or Al Bundy, some of them are seemingly enlightened liberals/male feminists who should know better.

I usually hear that type of story all the time. People, male and female, should learn how to be sufficient adults by learning to cook and clean for themselves. Gender should have nothing to do with it. I feel like I live in an alternative universe because I know my experience is unique. As a girl, I grew up in a

I know so many women in college who worked, took care of their kids AND went to school while their husbands only had work on their plate. The husbands still expected the wife to cook and clean. I only knew one woman whose husband was considerate enough to do the cooking because he realized she had more on her plate

Benevolent sexism is the more accurate term. It's so fucking patronizing to women. It's one of those 'jokes' that are supposed to make us feel better about being women staying within their small gender box like saying that "hey, you don't have as much institutional power as men but you have your feminine wiles which

Oh, my god. Just the thought of that makes me so happy, especially if he carries the same level of seriousness into the Love Boat movie as he does on Law and Order: SVU. Why wasn't this movie made? That sounds awesome and it gets all of my approval.

Every time his shirt comes off, my pants disappear. It's weird.

Also, having incredibly kissable lips for a white dude is also his job.

Unless a movie is dealing with topic of transgenderism, transvestism, or transexualism or trying to get men to have empathy for women, I have no idea what's the point of having men dress as women. The 'comedy' always seems to come from the idea that "haha. women are a joke because they're inferior. Why would any man

Putting the disclaimer that he loves females is like the sexist equivalent of when a racist says he has black friends. Just like a racist desiring to have sex with black women doesn't negate his racism neither does 'finding women attractive' equate to 'seeing women as equal or as people' Also, nitpick but referring to

I see both covers as doing a caricature of masculinity rather than attempting to be taken seriously by wearing man clothes. How many times have men dressed up in lady clothes and doing over-the-top impersonations of women? I see it a bit as turning the tables not vengefully but in a lighthearted way. It's like in the

Why couldn't Hudson be as eloquent as you?