
Hot and smart? Yes!

LOL. So obvious who the fictional judges correlate to IRL

See, this is what keeps me from enjoying porn. I think too much about details like "Did he wash his hands before doing this?" or "did he wash his penis before doing that?" or "Why is he doing that? This looks uncomfortable and/or painful" or "Gross! Use lube, not spit" or "god, this looks like a great way to get an

He ignored facts or just played down facts in order to 'prove' diversity doesn't work. All the successful shows with diversity he either failed to mention or downplayed. It's the republican strategy of 'if I pretend that something doesn't exist then it doesn't exist. Don't let facts get in the way of a good argument'

And fellow white angry dudebros are coming to his defense and calling people sensitive.

Similar to how straight white guys are always the biggest defenders of "politically incorrect" jokes which always punch downwards. Free speech frees them from criticism of course. Hmm. Curious how it's never offensive to them. Wonder why...?

Me too, between the carny finger-banging scene from this season and the rubber suit from the first season, Evan Peters is making me get turned on by some REALLY kinky shit. 'Deformed man bringing excitement to repressed suburban housewife' seems like a potential porn premise and an interesting twist on the whole

I rolled my eyes at that 'skeeos' definition because do we really need another negative term for a woman? Might as well just say 'bitch' or 'ho' like any other rapper. I think the whole 'pigeon' thing was a knee-jerk reaction to TLC's "No Scrubs" songs. Of course, the immature dudes who related to being a scrub became

reminds me of the clashing between second-wave feminism and third-save feminism. It reminds me of Krystal Ball who talked about well-meaning professional older women who told her to play down her femininity in order to be viewed as smart. Women from an older generation had different obstacles to deal with. What worked

I got excited every time he winked at Bette and Dot. You can tell they're attracted to him (understandably). The bad sister, despite being so self-righteous about sex, eye fucks him every time she seems him. So, if they slept with him, would it count as a threesome even though they share the same body?-I never thought

There was a warning at the beginning of the show that there's sexually explicit scenes and viewer discretion is advised.

Well. Brace yourself for more because next week's episode features Fiona Apple's song, "Criminal"

Colombia isn't exactly known as the land of opportunities. So, I can't say I would be surprised if this prostitute was trafficked. And like you said, I doubt this Dach guy cared either way. He reminds me of the douchebags who says he loves women when he really just means he "loves sleeping with women". Just because

It reminds of how some black people think if they just dress and talk a certain way and marry a white person then they'll somehow escape racism. Willful ignorance can be bliss but it's also counterproductive and dangerous. And I feel like choosing escapism from the status quo over rebellion against the status quo

This discussion is not just about people adopting false personas to gain social acceptance, it's specifically about the relationship of that phenomenon to the subordination of the feminine. It's about how we reinforce the idea that the feminine is inferior.

Yeah, when I started to shed my desperate desire to be the Cool Girl, I started adopting the "Pissed off Feminist B-word" persona instead. I noticed that as soon as I started pointing out shitty sexist statements or refusing to laugh at gross jokes, I started getting labeled a "bitter man hater" and began to have

I'm the same way, and it's funny how shocked people are when you don't laugh at their shitty misogynist joke, because they totally thought you weren't one of those humorless bitches!

But sadly, it also reinforces the idea that men are superior. Guys have enough things in the media and the world, inflating their egos and telling them how superior they are because they're men. It's sad that there are self-hating women who just help reinforce that delusion of men being superior. It's okay if you're a

To tell you the truth, I lived in a liberal bubble. I never knew "Cool Girl" was a thing and I've never seen any of those movies listed in the article. Malcolm X had a great quote in response to Uncle Toms where he said something like, "What does a white racist call a black man with a Ph.D? Answer: A ni**er" I think I

Marriage/kids have been the things that have opened up the cracks in my relationships with my guy friends. Those things bring with them very specific gender roles, and so if I complain about how I have to pick up the majority of the housework and kid-rearing since my husband works a lot, I've noticed my women