Blast Corps
Blast Corps
I just started Assassin’s Creed Origins a couple weeks ago and it’s so good. Once you get past the first few hours and really start to appreciate how huge the game is, there’s no turning back. Which was also the case in The Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild - it’s kind of a design flaw in major, open-world games, but…
There are skiers who PREFER ice??
I think there are some people who can get enough of James Franco. I know I’m one of them and it sounds like the author is, too. And “vanity projects” and “passion projects” are not remotely the same thing.
Luckily for us we live in a country where literally the whole world depends on our worthless paper currency
Which makes it even more likely that he doesn’t actually net anything and isn’t actually worth anything.
I’ll either be grinding on Destiny 2 or grinding on NBA 2K18 and likely wondering whether I’m having fun yet. I could really use a new XBox One title with great single player campaign/story, but it doesn’t seem like there’s anything out there besides the upcoming Middle Earth game. Guess I can wait a week...
So Curt Schilling and Kaepernick are the bookends?
The point is that we’re not supposed to be able to tell.
Oh please, he knew exactly what he was doing. His argument that he didn’t want attention, just wanted to respect the flag, is just doubling down on his original strategy.
How much did the Skyrim team pay for its NBA licensing agreement?
Monopoly and Risk are terrible. Pandemic should be ahead of Catan.
thought ONLY of my shrewd draft skillz
I was hoping Destiny 2 might be what brought me back into the fold, after giving up on the base game and never bothering with the expansions. Doesn’t sound like that’s the case. Maybe I’ll wait a couple years for them to expand upon this, but disappointing to hear that it’s more of the same (except maybe actually…
NB: the author refers to the 1980 McEnroe/Borg match at Wimbledon as “apparently famous.”
You don’t want to live on this planet anymore because you realize that the thing you were conditioned to love by marketers is a thing that marketers are trying to market?
If they saved Tormund at the last minute last week, after he should have died several times, only to kill him off screen at the wall, then that’s real dumb. Which means that’s probably what happened.
As unbelievable as it was that Tyrion would have hatched Operation Zombiesnatch, it was less believable that Tree-Bran would have witnessed the events at the Tower of Joy and not considered exploring the events leading up to Lyanna’s presence there. In the past few seasons, this show has made so many sacrifices in the…
Tormund Giantsbane is the greatest, but not finishing him off on Sunday is the biggest punch the show has ever pulled and it did his character a great disservice.
Considering that real football games are better seen on television, going to a pre-season game actually makes more sense to me. You get to visit the stadium, tailgate, see it live and not miss anything important.