
Literally never closing this window.

Literally never closing this window.

Merging my Disqus account with my existing Kinja account felt a little bit like walking into a teleporter and not knowing whether it would actually be me on the other side.

You Can’t Take a Picture of This, It’s Already Gone

…does this mean it doesn't work?

…does this mean it doesn't work?

It’s a possibility that didn’t exist before Sunday night.

I think it was originally the plan for Bran to just reveal all that, but the problem is that Bran is now like the final picture in those expanding brain memes and he's just wayyyy beyond such trivialities as who his brother's parents are, so the showrunners were like "hmmm on second thought, let's just have someone

Yeah but Krang is only like 8 inches tall to begin with.

I think the major objection was that she executed prisoners who had surrendered, but yeah, using a dragon for the execution is a bit much when your sword-wielding soldiers are standing all around.

I don't see how anyone can say the show is well-written after this development. Thrilling, exciting, must-see TV, sure… but not well-written.

The Loot Train Battle should be called "Field of Fire 2: Dracarys Boogaloo."

She said that "Prince Ragger" got a marriage annulled and got remarried in Dorne.

As a solo queuer who gave up on competitive (and OW as a whole) several seasons ago, this sounds like something that might bring me back to the game.

I “read” Ready Player One via audiobook, narrated by Wil Wheaton. As cringe-inducing as it is to read that list of all the pop culture poor, 18-y/o Wade Watts ostensibly consumed, it was even worse hearing Wil Wheaton read it.

Question of the week: I was rooting for the ballista to be super ineffective, if only because I was still rolling my eyes from the reveal that Qyburn's "solution" to a dragon the size of a brontosaurus was a big crossbow. So I was pleased.

He wasn't established as a bad guy - he was established as someone who is ashamed of Sam, sure, and I guess that offends our sensibilities, but his house is sworn to House Tyrell and he doesn't seem to be a Roose Bolton sort of backstabbing opportunist. Although the show does play fast and loose with fealty, sometimes.

That's always been a glaring flaw with Martin's universe, in my opinion.

Hard to believe Randall Tarly would show up to King's Landing after Cersei blew up the Great Sept of Baelor, killing the Queen Consort, who happens to be the granddaughter of Olenna Tyrell (who I suppose is the head of House Tyrell in the show), his liege lord (liege lady?), most powerful woman in the Reach and

Ted Williams only had one!