But c’mon, this is Canada.
As a Columbia alumnus and someone who took orgo, I can vouch for the fact that people who were serious about studying for the Orgo exam the night before the test knew not to go to the library. Everyone was at the library that night to listen to the band, not to study.
Wallace exemplifies an attitude that now controls the Republican party, one of breathtaking cynicism that insists all politics is performance, not conviction. This is where forty years of trashing the government they want to control has gotten them. When Hilary Clinton essentially accused Donald Trump of cheating on…
For #ResistanceDemocrats, this was a shit sandwich they were unwittingly preparing themselves to eat for years. For the rest of the left, we are far past pinning our hopes on stuff like this, and called all of this very early - especially when it comes to knowing who Mueller is and what he’d do and say.
Merely “photorealistic cruddiness” in the headline gave off delightful Jay-Sherman-in-a-bad-mood vibes, and the rest of the article more than lived up to it. Superb pannery.
This is exceptionally herbacious behavior.
I have an idea for a movie where James Dolan teams up with Dan Snyder and then they both get run over by a cement mixer. On their way to the studio.
If you were a writer, would you have voted for him? If the answer is yes, then which writer do you volunteer to take a bullet and vote no to uphold your purity test?
“Merriam-Webster defines photosynthesis as...”
What does it say about me that I’m perfectly willing to accept real-life videogame fights and superpowered vegans, but I can’t suspend my disbelief enough to believe that multiple beautiful women would be throwing themselves at Michael Fucking Cera?
“Hereditary: A-” - The A.V. Club
“The Haunting of Hill House, Season 1: B+” - The A.V. Club
“Sorry, Hereditary” - The A.V. Club
Rodgers emphatically denied any rift, but eyebrows were raised when he added, “Mike is like a member of my own family.”
I think we all need this:
Well, Dodger stadium is 56,000 seats, times 81 home games a year, times two trips. That’s $9,072,000 a season. Which would mean it’d only need to be the sole purpose of transportation for every single fan for every single game (assuming sell out crowds), while costing $0 a year to operate or maintain for 100 years to…
Heath Ledger as the Joker was another good villainous role. His film career may have been eclectic/ diverse enough that he was not always considered the “good guy.”