
All The Pretty Horses is best Cormac and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

After Gawker closed, I was kicked back to the greys on Deadspin. So not only have I lost Gawker, but now commenting here is like howling, alone, into a vast and unforgiving wilderness. Which isn’t so bad, I guess, I just feel a little like Dan Aykroyd in Trading Places. So, I guess: what I do?

I feel like if you do that much work for the hoax, though, it kind of does exist.

A 130+ pitch near-no-no really says more about the Dodgers than it does about Moore.

I’m kicked back to the greys, but this burner nonsense gets top billing?? Ugh. Alright, kinja: you win.

I’m still waiting for someone to grow a unibrow and take me back out of the greys :/


Don Splattingly

I cannot, for the life of me, play Roadhog. I’ve only played for a few minutes in quickmatch (and none in competitive), but I’m 99th percentile in basically every statistic.

The only people enthusiastic about her campaign are Hollywood celebrities.

In almost no other situation are alleged victims subject to as much vilification and scrutiny

there’s a tendency to make these cases black and white

I’d complain about the drop in comment quality since Gawker shuttered, but for some reason I’ve been in the greys here since then.

You’re going to have those days when you try to pick your starter up.

This can’t be my anxiety dream, because he’s clearly wearing pants.

They manufacture and sell comfortable dress socks, you know. There’s really no excuse for wearing white socks with dress shoes, unless you’re playing the lead role in your local community center’s production of Simple Jack.

He was supposed to bring balance to the list, not leave it in darkness!

The Grand Budapest Hotel over The Royal Tenenbaums? Nah.

It's funny how Snyder complained about no one being upset about the First Order killing billions of people in Force Awakens.

And in a month, none of them will be playing any more!