
I'd put Rickon Stark at 8/1 for this episode. He's a long-forgotten character whose only value to the audience is his Stark name, it's been teased that he'll be brought to Ramsey as a gift and it's exactly the kind of D&D move to kill him as soon as he's brought back into the fold. Working against the theory is that

I’d feel bad for the guy if it weren’t for everything.

This should be a great, hilarious Hatesong, and it isn't. It's just kind of bad.

Calling Fox’s offer—which came after the ICC shopped their rights around—“well below market value” makes little sense, given that it was literally, by definition, market value.

If it wasn't for the "previously on" would anybody remember the Karstark's?

I'd say Roose is more shocking than Walda simply because I didn't expect it to happen exactly right then. I'd give that maybe a 3.5 or even a 4 on that basis alone.

I’m not sure what makes less sense - placing a bet on Leicester City in Summer 2015, or hedging a 5 pound bet.

Heat of the moment. Ramsey decided mid-hug that he had to wipe out all threats to his inheritance.

I'm not defending the Walda/Baby scene - THAT is an example of really bad writing.

They've been building toward an inevitable rift between Ramsey and Roose for a long time now, between Walda's pregnancy and Roose's recent criticisms of Ramsey. It's entirely realistic that Ramsey would've reacted to the news of Walda giving birth to a son like this.

It didn't make RW pointless, it makes it ironic. A major theme of ASOIAF and GOT is that all your planning is for nothing. Ramsey killing Roose makes sense for his character and adds a significant new wrinkle to this storyline, one that may precipitate the fall of House Bolton.

Sorry, yes that was Ned and Benjen, not Brandon and Ned.

Yes, although it was a little confusing at first.

He’s going to have to mature very quickly or else this league is going to eat him up.

How likely was Jojen to be liquidated?

It looks like a graphic.

You can’t claim to be the best team in England a day after drawing West Brom.

Though he chose to fight with cousin Nymeria Sand, putting his back to cousin Obara was pretty stupid

She's perhaps losing faith in herself and her abilities. She doesn't question whether magic is real, she questions what good it's done her.

Considering some of the comments her performance inspired, I don't know if I'd say Beyonce is necessarily a safe option.