
It’s fine in the books, though, because the books are told from each character’s perspective. The distance and separation are much bigger obstacles in visual media.

a bachelor/bachelorette party wherein the groom and bride and their friends hang out together.

The government of North Carolina might view this as a 2-for-1.

It’ll be a bitter red pill to swallow

I’d criticize school staff for not seeing through the ruse, but in all fairness, nobody’s ever met a 30-year-old from South Sudan.

I hope you're able to work through your hang-ups once you leave high school.

Looks like it’s signed by some guy named “Master Race.”

It makes me sick, but right now Spurs are the better story and I have every reason to believe Leicester will crack under the pressure.

Two and a Hal Men survived three years without Charlie Sheen. I don't think the goal is to flourish so much as it is to ride the gravy train a while longer.

I agree - ultimately, it’s our own apathy that allows Nike to get away with this sort of thing. Nike knows we don’t care - why should they?

Their wages aren’t “artificially low,” they’re as low as the market will bear, as Rovell argues. This is, in fact, exactly how capitalism is supposed to work in a “free” market. The reason they’re lower than comparable US wages is that the minimum wage in those jurisdictions is significantly lower than it is in the

I cannot believe how many stars this comment has.

Why is Larry David’s vanity on Curb Your Enthusiasm so endearing and amusing while Hannah’s is so off-putting and infuriating?

Son? I have no son.

The whole obsession with unconventional thinking reeks of Gladwellism. In investing, to beat other investment managers you need to make different decisions (i.e. you need to make different calls from the herd and be right about them), but the same basic analyses investment managers do are more or less the same. Seth

That’s all well and good, but per Outside Lacrosse, what does any of this mean?

I kind of prefer this version of deadspin.

I feel sort of the same way, but for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

“Families who stack together, stay together,”

This should be a new feature.